Youth Department releases video spot and “Youtube Challenge” videos

In line with the Orthodox Church in America’s Strategic Plan, as embraced by delegates to the 16th All-American Council in 2011, a small group of volunteers has been working on the Youth Department’s approach to social media.

The group, led by Priest Christopher Rowe, has produced a short video spot now available for viewing. Filming and editing services were offered by Matthew Andrews of Holy Assumption Church, Philadelphia, PA, with the assistance of Justin Nescott of Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Allison Park, PA; Priest John Vitko of Saint Luke Church, McLean, VA; and Andrew Boyd, OCA Youth Director. The short video features Tatiana Lapchuk Hoff, a member of Saints Peter and Paul Church, Jersey City, NJ.

“It is our hope that this video not only serve to draw attention to our “OCA Youth” Facebook page, but to our Church’s rich history by highlighting Saint Tikhon’s Monastery,” said Mr. Boyd. “The video also attests to the power of the Church and Christ to work in our lives for peace and healing.”
Several additional video projects are currently being pursued by Youth Department staffers.
“The department is always open to hearing ideas and working with volunteers in reaching our youth and young adults through social media,” Mr. Boyd added.

The Youth Department also has begun sharing, with permission, some of the video submissions from its recent “Youtube Challenge.” The videos will be made available during the week of January 13, 2013 on the OCA Youth Facebook page.
The Department wishes to express its thanks to the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America providing the funding necessary to make this inaugural “Youtube Challenge” a reality.