Youth invited to enter FOCA’s “Celebration of Faith” art contest

The Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America [FOCA] recently announced that “Who is My Neighbor” will be the theme of its 2017 “Celebration of Faith” contest.
Inspired this year by Christ’s parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10:25–37, the creative arts contest is open to all Orthodox Christian youth who are communicants of a canonical parish or mission. Participants are invited to create and submit original artistic projects in the areas of literature, musical composition, photography and the visual arts. The deadline for submitting entries is May 15, 2017. A detailed list of rules for each category and an entry form may be accessed on the FOCA web site.
All entries will be displayed from at the 91st National FOCA Convention, slated to be held at the Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel near Hershey, PA September 1-4, 2017. Additional convention information will be available shortly.
Entries should be sent to FOCA Celebration of Faith, c/o Danielle Kovach, 8 Ginesi Drive, Clark, NJ 07066; .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).