July installment of OCA “Wonder Blog” now available
“Stories from Church Camp” is the theme of the July 2011 installment of the Orthodox Church in America’s young adult blog, “Wonder,” now available at www.ocawonder.com. In this installment, the authors share personal stories, tips, and lessons from their experiences in OCA summer camps.
Articles include “Planting the Seed” by Mr. William Kopcha, who details his experience watching kids grow and change over several summers at the New England Diocese’s “Youth Rally;” “Not Just for Kids, My Camping Experience in Retrospect” by Mrs. Tatianna Lapchuk Hoff, who shares how her time as a camper and counselor at Saint Andrew’s Camp, Jewell, NY, formed her; and “Join the Family that is Waiting for You” by Ms. Kimberly Metz, who gives examples of the extended family that grew out of her years of involvement of Saint Tikhon’s Summer camp, South Canaan, PA. The issue concludes with a reflection on the importance of camping ministry by Luke Beecham, Director of the OCA Department of Youth, Young Adult, and Campus Ministries.
“Wonder,” an on-line publication of the OCA’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, provides thought-provoking articles geared toward young adults and college students and those who minister to them.
The September issue of “Wonder” will focus on “Icon, Image, and Modern Culture.” Submissions are always welcome. The deadline is September 5th.
Readers are invited to submit articles, creative writing and artwork, poetry, photos, and videos for future installments. Suggested topics are always welcome. Send all materials and comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
To subscribe to “Wonder,” log on to www.ocawonder.com and click the “sign me up” link on the left side of the page.