June installment of OCA “Wonder Blog” now available
“Experiences of Campus Ministry” is the theme of the June 2011 installment of the Orthodox Church in America’s young adult blog, “Wonder,” now available at www.ocawonder.com. In this installment, the authors share personal experiences, tips, and lessons from their experiences in campus ministry efforts.
Articles include “The University of the Highest Form Love” by Dr. Demetra Perlegas, in which she recounts her time at the University of Virginia’ “Doing the Right Things” by Deacon Alexander Cadman, in which he shares lessons from the start of his campus ministry experience at Penn State’ “Mysterious Ways: The Lord Working in my Campus Life” by Michael Andrzejewski, who describes his transition in college from a nominal Christian to an engaged leader in a campus ministry effort; and “The Crossroads of Athens and Jerusalem: A Reflection on Campus Ministry” by Protodeacon Michael Sochka, who recounts his time as a student at Yale and a campus minister at Princeton.
“Wonder,” an on-line publication of the OCA’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, provides thought-provoking articles geared toward young adults and college students and those who minister to and with them.
The July installment will focus on “Stories from Church Camp.” We are seeking stories, anecdotes, memories, and formative moments from Church summer camps, past and present, for the July installment, “Stories from Church Camp.” Deadline for submissions for the July installment, which should be sent to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), is July 10.
Articles, creative writing and artwork, poetry, photos, and videos for future installments are always welcome and may be sent to the same address. To subscribe to “Wonder,” log on to www.ocawonder.com and click the “sign me up” link on the left side of the page.