May installment of OCA “Wonder Blog” now available

“Faith and The Creative Process” is the theme of the May 2011 installment of the Orthodox Church in America’s young adult blog, “Wonder,” now available at This installment explores the interaction between the world of faith and the world of creativity and art.

Articles include “Man as Priest of Creation” by Fr. Christopher Foley, and mission priest and former member of a Christian rock band, “The Community of Joy” by Khouria Krista West, and ecclesiastical tailor, “Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty” by Mr. Christopher Burkett, a well-known landscape photographer, “Mediocrity Revisited: The Sacred, the Secular, and the Artist’s Soul” by Fr. Joel Weir, a recent graduate of St. Tikhon’s Seminary and a Singer/Song-Writer, and “Wholeness and The Artistic Life” and Interview with Artist and Iconographer Olga Poloukhine.

“Wonder,” an on-line publication of the OCA’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry, provides thought-provoking articles geared toward young adults and college students and those who minister to them.

The June installment will focus on “Experiences of Campus Ministry” and we are seeking submissions of stories from students, clergy, professors, and anyone who is willing to share an anecdote from ministry in the campus setting.

Readers are invited to submit articles, creative writing and artwork, poetry, photos, and videos for future installments. Suggested topics are always welcome. Send all materials and comments to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

To subscribe to “Wonder,” log on to and click the “sign me up” link on the left side of the page.