Metropolitan Council Crisis Management Committee meets
The Crisis Management Committee of the Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America met by conference call on Wednesday, July 13, 2011.
“The committee has been meeting either in response to particular issues or as part of the developing policy and procedures,” according to Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, OCA Secretary. “Foremost on the committee’s agenda is putting together the crisis management team to respond to issues in the Church and conducting crisis management training for select individuals in the Church.
“A full report of the issues was presented at the recent Holy Synod/Metropolitan Council meeting in Chicago,” Father Eric added. “The conference call served as a follow-up to concerns raised at that time.”
The committee is also initiating policies and procedures for effectively responding to crises.
A variety of other current matters were discussed, and recommendations will be presented to the Holy Synod of Bishops for response and action.