NEWS ELSEWHERE: Pilgrimages, conference, new book, new app, job posting
SOUTH CANAAN, PA: St. Tikhon’s Alumni Association to host tours to Russia, Holy Land
The Alumni Association of St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, South Canaan, PA is sponsoring an education tour to Israel and Jordan May 12-25, 2013. The 13-day pilgrimage includes visits to holy sites in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Galilee; desert monasteries; and important archeological sites. In addition, the Association is sponsoring a comprehensive cultural tour and religious pilgrimage to Russia June 23 through July 6, 2013, which will include visits to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Valaam and Novgorod. His Grace, Bishop Michael of New York and the Diocese of New York and New Jersey, will lead both trips. For additional information or to register, please contact Fr. Ilya Gotlinsky at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 607-797-1058, and/or visit
JORDANVILLE, NY: New book about St. Herman of Alaska released

Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville NY, has just published a new book about Saint Herman of Alaska, titled “Herman, A Wilderness Saint.” Written by Sergei Korsun and translated from Russian by Priest Daniel Marshall, the book contains a wealth of material, not previously available in English, that only became accessible in Russia after the fall of communism. This new work brings to light primary sources that illuminate the story of Saint Herman within the wider context of the history of Russian colonization in the Pacific northwest. It reveals new, fascinating biographical details, such as Saint Herman’s connection to Saint Seraphim of Sarov. The reader will encounter interesting texts on the attitude of the Russian Orthodox missionaries to a kind of same-sex marriage practiced by some Alaskan natives and the story of the legendary Novgorodians who were believed to have established a colony in Alaska during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. A detailed account also is offered of Saint Herman’s canonization in 1970 by both the Orthodox Church in America and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. For further information about the book and how to order copies in either print or digital formats please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), 315-277-3383, or fax 315-858-0505. Copies of the earlier Russian edition are also available.
HARRISBURG, PA: Choir Director position available
Christ the Saviour Church, Harrisburg, PA is seeking a choir director, effective June 2013. The successful candidate will be responsible for conducting at weekend Vespers and Divine Liturgy, major feasts, and weekday services as prescribed; conducting weekly choir rehearsals; mentoring/recruiting new singers; and cultivating a small group of capable directors. He or she must be an Orthodox Christian in good standing in his or her current parish, possess knowledge of Orthodox services and rubrics, and be experienced in conducting the services of the Orthodox Church. While formal theological education is preferred, it is not required. Stipend is negotiable. Interested parties are asked to contact Priest Stephen Vernak at 717-652-1825 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
LOUISVILLE, KY: Fourth Annual Climacus Conference February 22-23
St. Michael Antiochian Orthodox Church, 3701 St. Michael Church Dr., Loiusville, KY, once again will sponsor the annual Climacus Conference Friday and Saturday, February 22-23, 2013. The pan-Orthodox event, which will feature Orthodox Christian scholars and voices across the fields of theology, philosophy, patristics, classical education, literature, and history/politics, provides a unique opportunity through scholarly engagement with the classic liberal arts. The theme of this year’s conference is “The Poetics of Existence: The Verse Performs Its Secret Ministry.” Presenters include Dr. Pamela Beattie, Dr. Scott Cairns, Martin Cothran, Molly Sabourin, Jerry Salyer, Joshua Sturgill, and Dr. James Taylor. Among the vendors will be Eighth Day Books and Brown Coffee and Quills Coffee Companies. For more information and/or to register visit and/or, or contact David Wright at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address); 502-296-2095.
PHILADELPHIA, PA: Orthodox Prayerbook app for iPhone now available
The Orthodox Prayerbook app for iPhone, authored by Gabriel Otte, a MD, PhD Candidate at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, is now available from “I wrote the app because I wanted to be able to check whether today was a fast day or not or who the daily saints were,” says Otte. “The application works for the OCA and Greek and Antiochian Archdioceses. In addition to featuring prayers, app users will be able to maintain a list of people for whom they pray — living and departed — that automatically embeds the names into the prayers in the appropriate places.” Proceeds from sale of the app — currently available for a mere $0.99 — will be used to initiate a FOCUS Philadelphia Center [Fellowship of Orthodox Christians United in Service], which Otte is spearheading.