OCA Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry’s attendance at major festival a “first”
In what is certainly a “first,” the Orthodox Church in America’s Department of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministry will have a booth at the Cornerstone Arts and Music Festival here June 29 through July 3, 2011.
“The festival — www.cornerstonefestival.com — is the world’s largest Christian music festival and features over 120 bands, dozens of speakers, hundreds of vendors, artists, and other performers,” said Subdeacon Luke Seraphim Beecham, who was recently appointed to oversee the department’s work. “This is an incredible opportunity for us to witness to Orthodox Christianity in a highly visible venue. The festival director has been gracious enough to allow us the opportunity to celebrate daily Matins and Vespers, as well as the Divine Liturgy on Saturday at the event. They’ve even given us space in one of the main tents and put us in the program!”
Subdeacon Luke is looking for several young adults, age 18 or over, to assist the team that is organizing the department’s booth.
“If 5 days of music, art, fellowship, and witnessing to the fullness of the faith sparks your interest, please contact me at 317-460-8574 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address),” said Subdeacon Luke. “While our primary team has been assembled, we’d very much like to have some college students and others join us.”