Updates on parishes in Los Alamos, Minot
In an update received on Monday afternoon, June 27, 2011, Priestmonk John [Anderson] of Saint Dimitri of Rostov Mission here reported that “the entire community of Los Alamos is now under mandatory evacuation as we speak. I know that all the faithful have plans for shelter but are scattered during the evacuation process. We will be reconnecting in the next 24 hours. I have been in contact with Fr. John Bethancourt at Holy Trinity Antiochian, and their community is standing with us and opening their doors for those in need.”
“Currently, the fire is at 44,000 acres, with the possibility of tripling in size,” Father John added. “Authorities have said that it is unlikely that the fire will reach residences but are evacuating to assure the safety of the population. Also, even though the fire is on lab property, authorities assure us that the radioactive materials at the lab will remain safe. Grant this O Lord!”
As widely reported in the media, serious concerns exist with regard to the fire’s proximity to the nation’s preeminent nuclear lab in Los Alamos.
No further information on the status of Saint Peter the Aleut Church, Minot, ND, has been received, although it can be assumed that with some 5,000 properties experiencing flooding, as reported in the media, the church building has likely experienced flooding, at least in its lower level. The main floor of the church is well above ground level.
Please remember in prayer the faithful and citizens of Los Alamos and Minot.
As updates are received, they will be posted.