“Urban Summit” reduced rate registration deadline is July 4
Deadline for reduced rate registration for the two-day Urban Ministry Conference, slated to be held at Saint Gregory of Nyssa Church here July 26-27, 2011, is Monday, July 4.
Those who register before that date may do so for $50.00 per person. After the deadline, the registration fee will be $75.00. The special conference hotel rate of $89.00 is also available before July 4. Conference organizer Joseph Kormos notes that a few local parishioners are willing to house participants for two nights. Contact Ann Marie Mecera, local chairperson, at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if interested.
For background information visit www.oca.org/news/2562. To register visit http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=wy96qwbab&oeidk=a07e3lyoywc604670a4.