Clergy Wives Advisory Group to Host Online Retreat

For the wives of OCA clergy, these three words—“Sisterhood is Powerful!”—are not a political slogan but a reflection of the support, counsel and love they can offer each other when they get together.
On Saturday September 30 (1pm to about 2:30 EST) they will have another chance to do so. The OCA’s Clergy Wives Advisory Group invites all clergy wives to a Zoom retreat during which CWAG members will describe the group’s three years of effort so far. Then participants will be invited to talk about what they would like to see in the coming years. What programs, gatherings and outreach would best serve their needs and those of their sister clergy wives?
That question, and others like it, will be the focus of our time together on September 30. We will be joined by His Grace Bishop Gerasim, who is CWAG’s episcopal liaison and a true supporter of the welfare and work of clergy wives.
We hope clergy wives will be on line that day with their questions, ideas and suggestions. It can be a powerful afternoon. To join us, please register here, you will receive a Zoom link the evening before.