Loss Control Bonus Delivered for OCA Group Program

The Orthodox Church in America has received another Loss Control bonus for the OCA Group Program. The check from GuideOne Insurance Co. was in the amount of $42,741. This is the seventh time a Loss Control bonus has been earned since its inception. With this check, participating parishes in the OCA have had more than a quarter million dollars returned. As done previously, the funds will be distributed back to member parishes relative to the annual premiums.

The OCA partnered with Insurance Systems Group, Inc. in 2006 to establish the OCA Group Affiliation Program (GAP). Underwritten through GuideOne Insurance, the GAP Program offers unique benefits, including excess property protection for catastrophic losses and potential to earn loss control bonus (premium return) when the Group is profitable.
Insurance Systems Group, Inc. is a broker of property and casualty insurance to Orthodox churches of all jurisdictions in the U.S. GuideOne Insurance of West Des Moines, IA, is the one of the largest writers of churches and related institutions in the country.