New Video “Recollections of Saintly Matushka Olga” Now Available

The documentary video “Recollections of Saintly Matushka Olga” is now available for viewing.
This video gives an important window into the place Matushka Olga continues to hold in the lives of the Alaskan faithful. It also explains the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops to keep her relics in her home village of Kwethluk, making it a place of pilgrimage for Orthodox peoples around the world.
You can help the efforts of the faithful Orthodox people of Kwethluk and all of Alaska in setting up this pilgrimage center through your generous donations. They will go towards the construction of a new church temple on Kuskokwim that will be the earthly home for Matushka Olga’s holy relics, a Hospitality Center to accommodate pilgrims, and a Cultural Center to preserve and celebrate the rich Yup’ik heritage. Donations can be made here at the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska website.
His Grace Bishop Alexei of Sitka and Alaska invites all the faithful to watch and share this documentary. Most importantly, he requests all who view this video to ask the intercessions of Matushka Olga in preparation for her coming glorification by the Orthodox Church in America.
The video is now available for streaming on the Diocese of Sitka and Alaska YouTube channel.
For more information, please visit