OCA Representative at NCC and CJM Meetings

Between May 15 and May 19, 2024 Protodeacon Sergei Kapral represented the Orthodox Church in America at both the National Council of Churches (NCC) Governing Board and the Creation Justice Ministries (CJM) Spring Board meetings in Washington, D.C.
NCC Governing Board Meeting
The NCC Governing Board Meeting, themed “Navigating the Boundaries of Church and State,” took place from May 15-17 at the Kellogg Conference Hotel on the Gallaudet University campus. Governing Board Members, Ecumenical Officers, and guests celebrated the installation of Elizabeth A. Eaton as NCC Governing Board Chair.
Other notable highlights included a luncheon and book signing by author Jim Wallis, a film screening of “A Case for Love,” featuring Archbishop Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church and several presentations.

The Governing Board discussed updates to the constitution and bylaws, NCC policies, reports on the ongoing work of the 4 Tables, and upcoming events, including upcoming gatherings in Nashville and next year’s 75th anniversary. Pdn. Sergei remains on the finance committee and volunteered for the 75th anniversary committee, which will address planned events. One such event will be the installation of Archbishop Elpidophoros of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese as the next NCC Governing Board Chair.
On Friday evening and Saturday, Pdn. Sergei attended Ecumenical Advocacy Days (EAD), continuing the NCC theme regarding American religious nationalism, amongst other workshops and events.
Creation Justice Ministries (CJM) Meeting
As the CJM treasurer, Pdn. Sergei presented and led the discussion of the financial report. The meeting recognized 11 new representatives from existing and new churches, bringing the total to over 25 national communions and denominations represented on the board. Updates were given on environmental activities, proposed themes for Earth Day, and CJM programs. Significant resources are being devoted to theological and pastoral training on care for creation, speaking engagements, workshops, youth camping retreats on ocean issues, and an international ocean conference in Greece.
During the second day of the CJM meeting, Pdn. Sergei was re-elected as treasurer. The board discussed the tentative theme for Earth Day and the session of creation, starting on September 1, the Orthodox day of prayer for creation. The board also decided to proceed with establishing their own 501(c)(3) status, transitioning from their current fiscal services contract with the Washington UCC offices.