Office of Pastoral Life to Hold June Synaxis Clergy Online Event

The Office of Pastoral Life is pleased to announce our summer Pastoral Life Synaxis online conference for the clergy of the Orthodox Church in America on Tuesday, June 20th from 2:00-4:00pm ET. Father Matthew Francis from the Archdiocese of Canada will be the featured speaker about preaching. Father Matthew will be sharing about how listening impacts our preaching. Click on the one-minute video link for a brief review of the topic. The registration link is below.
Although the conference begins at 2:00 PM ET, the Zoom meeting will be OPEN for fellowship at 1:30 PM ET. After the keynote presentation, registered participants will be divided into groups of four to six people and sent to breakout rooms to discuss how the topic relates to the participants. The breakout session will last just under 1½ hours with a facilitator placed in each breakout room. The breakout session is based on the model of Peer Learning where the interaction and relationship of the participants form a community of learning focused on priestly and pastoral ministry.
Whether you have enjoyed past Synaxis events or look forward to your first experience, please invite a friend. Registration emails will go out three times in June to all clergy emails listed in the online OCA clergy directory.
The online clergy Zoom conferences are intended to nurture spiritual brotherhood by offering a meeting place for our clergy to learn from one another, to support one another, and to be strengthened by their contact with one another, so that they may all be empowered to fight the good fight of faith. To find out more about clergy peer learning, please visit the Thriving in Ministry website.
We look forward to seeing you online at the June Clergy Synaxis!