Remembering His Eminence Archbishop Job on the 10th Anniversary of Repose

I was a senior in High School when Bishop Job arrived from Hartford to be the bishop of Chicago, serving the faithful of the Diocese of the Midwest. Our diocese had been without a ruling bishop for many years following the retirement of Bishop Boris (Geeza), of blessed memory. I had very fond memories of Bishop Boris, who, until that point, was the only bishop I knew. He was a kind and grandfatherly man who often hosted clergy and their families for get-togethers and dinners at the diocesan house, especially during the football season. He genuinely cared for his priests and their families and we felt it. I did not know Bishop Job, but by reputation, I was hopeful that he too would be a bishop who cared deeply for his priests and their families as I remember Bishop Boris had. In Bishop Job, those hopes would be realized.
Over the years of His Eminence’s ministry, the diocese came to know an archpastor who cared deeply and personally for every member of the diocese. Archbishop Job was known to keep an intense travel schedule, never allowing more than two years to pass between parish visits, and always making a point to visit every youth camp of the diocese, and as many youth retreats and outings as possible.

In many ways, Archbishop Job was exemplary, and in so many ways he was just like any other man, struggling to make sense of the world and witness to it the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ. I am fortunate to have known Archbishop Job as a youth of the diocese, and later as his secretary and deacon, serving in that capacity until his untimely death on Friday, December 18, 2009. My service to Archbishop Job coincided with some of the more challenging times in the life of our Orthodox Church in America, and for His Eminence personally. To be sure, they were challenging times for us all. During those times I took three lessons from Archbishop Job, lessons which well exemplify who he was as a person.
First, he taught me to keep a sense of humor about work in and for the church, and life in general. Second, to stay grounded in the life of the church. Archbishop Job was not one so suffer administrative work, but when it had to be done, he would remind us in the office that our administrative tasks were as sacred as serving at the altar. Third, strive to live a life of joy. His Eminence loved living in Chicago because of the museums, architecture and fine art of the city. He found great joy in the appreciation of the fine arts, and he shared that joy with those around him.
On this the 10th anniversary of Archbishop Job’s repose, we offer three reflections on the life and work of Archbishop Job.
Archpriest Daniel Rentel, former rector, Saint Gregory Church, Columbus, OH, and former District Dean of the Columbus Deanery offers a brief reflection on the episcopal leadership and friendship of Archbishop Job; Archpriest John Adamcio, former rector, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Chicago, IL, reflects on Archbishop Job’s love of liturgical music, and the late Archpriest John Matusiak’s “To Love is to Remember,” reprinted from the original, published in December 2009 on the website of the Diocese of the Midwest.
May the memory of His Eminence, Archbishop Job be eternal, and may his soul dwell with the blessed.
- Archdeacon Joseph Matusiak