St. Tikhon’s Monastery now accepting applications for their forthcoming 2024-2025 music residency program

Saint Tikhon’s Monastery is now accepting applications for their forthcoming 2024-2025 music residency program!
Calling Orthodox musicians!..... Are you looking for a place to grow as a church musician? Are you desiring to dig deeper into your love for sacred music and strengthen your technical skills?
The Saint Tikhon’s Music Program is currently in its third year, offering a one-of-a-kind, 9 month, on-site learning experience for Orthodox musicians. The program is hosting 4 music residents currently, and is now welcoming applications for its forthcoming year beginning September 2024. Each year music residents complete a capstone composition project that culminates in conducting and performing their work during Saint Tikhon’s annual Memorial Day pilgrimage.
Through group and individual instruction, customized assignments and experiential learning, students expand their music skills and knowledge, while enjoying the beautiful and rich liturgical life of St. Tikhon’s Monastery in rural northeast Pennsylvania.
Music residents are given the opportunity to:
- Study conducting, composing and arranging, sacred music history, order of services, vocal pedagogy and performance practice
- Conduct and rehearse the many choirs of Saint Tikhon’s
- Work on projects and publications with music faculty
- Be immersed in Orthodox life, experiencing a whole liturgical year of daily services at America’s oldest Orthodox monastery
The feedback from recent students includes:
“The freedom to attend services on a daily basis helped to mold my heart for serving in the world and my education from the instructors provided me with a foundation I have been blessed to offer my current parish.”
“To those who are called to devote a substantial portion of their life to Orthodox music, I highly recommend considering the residency program. “
“Being immersed in music and the life of the monastery for nine months was one of the most transformative experiences of my life.”
Visit to learn more about the music program audition process, see a sample weekly schedule and read what music residents are saying about their time at Saint Tikhon’s.