St. Juvenaly and His Companion Mission

Wasilla, Alaska

St. Juvenaly and His Companion Mission

Founded 2011

Diocese: Diocese of Alaska

Deanery: Anchorage Deanery


962 S. Hyer Rd.
Wasilla, Alaska 99567

Mailing address:

PO Box 876194
Wasilla AK 99687-6194

Office: 907-671-3626

Parish Contacts

1000 N Craig Stadler Loop
Wasilla, AK 99623-1148
Home: 719-761-8214

Schedule of Services

5:00 PM Vigil & Confessions.
Saturday Evening

9:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

7:00 PM Adult Education

6:00 PM Festal Weekday Vigil.
Eve of the Feast

8:00 AM Festal Weekday Liturgies.
Morning of the Feast

Parish Background

St. Juvenaly and his Companion Orthodox Church welcomes all to come and explore the Eastern Orthodox faith in the Mat-Su Valley north of Anchorage. Founded in 2011, we are a Pan-Alaskan Orthodox Church proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ. Our services are held primarily in English with a mixture of Slavonic, Unangam Tunuu (Aleut), Yupik, and Tlingit to enable us to serve our Alaska Native parishioners.