Archangel Michael ChurchAccessible

Broadview Heights, Ohio

Archangel Michael Church

Founded 1922

Diocese: Diocese of the Midwest

Deanery: Cleveland Deanery


5025 E Mill Rd
Broadview Heights, Ohio 44147



Church: 440-526-5192

Parish Contacts

5865 Mural Dr
Seven Hills, OH 44131
Office: 440-526-5192
Assigned Protodeacon
Attached Deacon

Lay Leadership

Mrs. Darlene Dimitrijevs
Parish Council President
Cell: 216-346-5741
Sbdn. Ben Wharton
Choir Director
Cell: 440-225-4822
Mrs. Angelika Mindala
Church School Coordinator
Cell: 609-500-2696
Mrs. Sarah Mindala
Youth Coordinator
Cell: 330-592-7153
Mat. Ludmila Timko
Lay Contact
Office: 440-526-5192


General Location
Archangel Michael Orthodox Church is located ten miles south of downtown Cleveland, OH in the suburb of Broadview Heights.  The majority of it’s parishioners live within the communities of:  Broadview Heights, Independence, Brecksville, Seven Hills, Parma, Maple Heights, Shaker Heights, University Heights, Hinckley, Medina, North Royalton, Middleburg Heights and Strongsville.

From the north
Proceed south on Interstate #77.  At the Wallings Rd exit turn left and cross over the Highway.  At the light (East Mill Rd) turn right.  The church will be 500 yards on the left hand side of the road.

From the south
Proceed north on Interstate #77.  At the Wallings Rd exit turn right onto East Mill Rd.  The church will be 400 yards on the left hand side of the road.

From the east
Take #480 west to #77 south.  At the Wallings Rd exit turn left and cross over the Highway.  At the light (East Mill Rd) turn right.  The church will be 500 yards on the left hand side of the road.

From the west
Take #480 east to #77 south.  At the Wallings Rd exit turn left and cross over the Highway.  At the light (East Mill Rd) turn right.  The church will be 500 yards on the left hand side of the road.

Schedule of Services

5:00 PM Great Vespers
Saturday Evening

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy (9:30 AM from Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Sunday Morning

On the SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 9:30 AM Molieben for the ill-afflicted and infirm
Wednesday Morning

7:00 PM Great Vespers
Eves of Great Feasts

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy (9:30 AM from Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Mornings of Great Feasts

7:00 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Wednesday Evenings in Great Lent

10:00 AM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
Friday Mornings in Great Lent

7:00 PM Akathist to the Crucified Christ
Friday Evenings in Great Lent

For a complete list of upcoming services, please visit the Schedule/Upcoming Calendar on the parish website.

Parish Background

Archangel Michael is a thriving congregation dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to His promise of salvation for all mankind. As one of the largest Orthodox Churches in America, with some 600 parishioners who call Archangel Michael home, it functions as one of the premier parishes of the OCA.  Under the spiritual guidance of its youthful pastor, Very Rev. Fr. John Memorich, Archangel Michael maintains a leading force of Orthodoxy in the Cleveland area, as well as throughout the entire Midwest.  It serves as an instrumental example of charitable giving and remains a parish with true vision as to the future of Orthodoxy.

Committed to serving Christ and His Holy Church, the parishioners of Archangel Michael welcome and encourage all visitors, especially those who are truly seeking enlightenment on the path towards salvation.  We provide educational and social activities to meet each and every age group, and have programs for every facet of Christian life.  Our parish provides an organized and booming Sunday School program with a well trained teaching staff.  Our choir, under the direction of Theodore Geletka, is one of the foremost in the country.  Our parish commitment is second to none!

Archangel Michael Orthodox Church, often affectionately known as St. Michael’s, began its history shortly after the turn of the century.  Large groups of Russian, Carpatho-Russian, and other Eastern Slav immigrants poured into the Cleveland area, looking for work in the steel mills, clothing factories, and in a thriving coastal port.

These humble immigrants brought with themselves their dreams, hopes, desire for freedom, and a strong work ethic.  All of this was coupled with their most prized possession—their Orthodox Christian Faith.

Settling on the East Side of Cleveland, these Slavs began attending St. John the Baptist Church.  However, due to poor education, a lack of perception, and the confusion of an unfamiliar country, many of these Orthodox faithful found that the parish of St. John’s, depending on the priest who was assigned, was actually fluctuating between the Orthodox Faith and the Unia (or Eastern Rite Roman Catholics).  In 1922 a conflict arose amongst parishioners over the issue of Creed and papal allegiance, and a court battle soon followed.  Even though the majority of the parishioners of St John’s were loyal to Orthodoxy, due to a legal technicality, the courts awarded the parish and all of its property to those who favored the Unia.

Those faithful, who had fought so diligently for the Orthodox Faith yet lost their property, became, defacto, the nucleus of our present parish.  For the first several months they would meet either at the YMCA or at St. Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Church on East 36th St.  Then, from 1922 until 1926, they were allowed to use a vacant building on the property of the old Second Presbyterian Church on East 30th St.

In 1923 the Rev. Fr. Joseph Antonoff was assigned as Rector of the newly organized Archangel Michael Church and a parcel of property was purchased at 10000 Union Ave by the parish.  Construction began on the church and was completed in 1927.  In December 1926, the Rev. Fr. Joseph Stephanko succeeded Fr. Antonoff and remained the pastor until 1933.

On August 2, 1933, the Rev. Fr. Vladimir Prislopsky was assigned to the parish and shepherded his flock for 37 years, until his untimely death on September 23, 1970.  During his tenure the parish flourished and grew to become one of the three largest parishes in America.  He organized and implemented many of the clubs and social organizations, which continue through today.  A social hall was built by the parish, with an auditorium and bowling alleys.  This hall was utilized continually by our members, but was also available to the public on a rental basis.  Many of Clevaland’s first rock-n-roll shows were showcased at St Michael’s Hall.  A young and then unknown Elvis Presley performed one of his first public concerts at St. Michael’s Hall.  His manager, surprised by the turn-out of teenagers, asked the parish president if he could rent the hall for another concert the next evening, but was turned down!

Realizing the size of his congregation (well over 1,200 souls), and the fact that the younger generation was moving out of the old neighborhoods and into the suburbs, Fr. Prislopsky guided Archangel Michael in the building of a “sister” parish in Maple Heights which was dedicated to the First-called Apostle Andrew.

As a reward for Fr. Prislopsky’s tireless efforts and dedication, he was elevated to the rank of Mitred Archpriest and Proto-presbyter.  He is affectionately revered and loved by this parish, and acknowledged by all of the Orthodox Faithful of northern Ohio.  He was a tireless worker and tremendous promoter of Orthodoxy, as well as a great leader and organizer.  Respected by clergymen and laity alike, he was a recognized figure within the community of Greater Cleveland.

After Fr. Prislopsky’s death, the search for a new priest began.  Fr. Nicholas Gobora, associate pastor of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Minneapolis, was chosen and assigned in February of 1971.  During this time a deterioration of the existing neighborhood occurred, making for an unsafe atmosphere, and a decision was made to move the parish to a new location.  The Union Avenue location was sold and new property in Broadview Heights was purchased.  A new church edifice was constructed and completed in May of 1977.  A gymnasium and Party Center was also constructed.  Fr. Gobora retired in December of 1995, after 25 years of service.

In June of 1996, Fr. John Memorich was assigned as Rector of Archangel Michael.  Fr. John, a native of Minneapolis, came to Archangel Michael after a seven year pastorate in the small farming community of Clayton, WI.  Fr. John and his family have brought abundant energy and enthusiasm to this parish community which abounds in love, warmth, and generosity.  With an emphasis upon education, and an enthusiasm for preaching and teaching, he has helped spark a revitalization of liturgical life and the renewal of spirituality.  The parish of Archangel Michael continues to burn with zeal and love for Christ, and is a guiding light to those who are seeking Orthodoxy.