St. Theodosius CathedralAccessible

Cleveland, Ohio

St. Theodosius Cathedral

Founded 1896

Diocese: Diocese of the Midwest

Deanery: Cleveland Deanery


733 Starkweather Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44113-4642



Office: 216-574-4886

Parish Contacts

Home: 440-732-8182
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached

Lay Leadership

Mr. Kenneth Kovach
Choir Director
Home: 216-283-4061
Joyce and Michael Tabeling
Church School Coordinators


From the West
Take I-90 east.  Exit at W 25th St and continue straignt to Scranton Rd.  Turn left on Scranton Rd to Starkweather Ave.  Turn right on Starkweather and follow to St Theodosius Cathedral (733 Starkweather).

From the East
Take I-90 west/I-71 south.  Exit W 14th St and continue south to Starkweather Ave.  Turn left on Starkweather and follow to St Theodosius Cathedral (733 Starkweather).

From the South, I-77
Take I-77 north to I-490 west, exit W 7th St.  Turn left on Starkweather Ave and follow to St Theodosius Cathedral (733 Starkweather).

From the South, I-71
Take I-71 north to exit W 14th St.  Continue north to Starkweather Ave.  Turn left on Starkweather Ave and follow to St Theodosius Cathedral (733 Starkweather).

Schedule of Services

6:00 PM Great Vespers.
Saturday Evening

9:00 AM Divine Liturgy, fellowship Hour.
Sunday Morning

6:00 PM Great Vespers.
Eves of Great Feasts

9:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Mornings of Great Feasts

For a complete list of upcoming services, please visit the Monthly Calendar on the parish website.