SS. Peter and Paul ChurchAccessible

Dearborn Heights, Michigan

SS. Peter and Paul Church

Founded 1929

Diocese: Romanian Episcopate

Deanery: Great Lakes USA Deanery


750 N Beech Daly Rd
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127-3459


Office: 313-274-9651

Church: Hall: 313-274-9650

Parish Contacts

27341 Dawson St
Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Home: 313-454-7975
Assistant Pastor


From I-94 (East or West)
Use Telegraph Rd exit (north) to Cherry Hill Rd (west) to Beech Daly Rd (north).  The Church is in the middle of five churches on the right hand side.

From Ohio Turnpike
Take exit 5 (north) to I-75 (north)to Telegraph Rd (north), then see above.

Schedule of Services

Services are held in English and Romanian.

9:45 AM Matins, 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

10:30 PM Divine Liturgy.
Feast Days

4:30 PM Great Vespers.
Saturday Evenings during Great Lent

7:00 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.
Wednesday Evenings During Great Lent

For a list of services, please visit the Upcoming Events on the parish website.

Parish Background

SS. Peter & Paul Romanian Orthodox Church is a parish under the jurisdiction of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America, headquartered in Detroit/Jackson, Michigan, having as its ruling hierarch His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel (Popp).  The current parish membership lists almost 350 dues-paying adults, but the parish ministers to a larger Romanian Orthodox community including children and non-committed communicants, visitors, etc.  The parish is made-up of both American and Romanian born Orthodox Christians, which deems it necessary that the life of the parish is a bi-lingual one.  However, special care is given to the realization that our practices and culture must, in some ways, adapt themselves to the American environment in order for us to have a greater impact on our community and future generations.

To find out more of our history, please visit the parish website, in English or Romanian.