St. Katherine Church

Kirkland, Washington

St. Katherine Church

Founded 1998

Diocese: Diocese of the West

Deanery: Pacific Northwest Deanery


14216 132nd Ave NE
Kirkland, Washington 98034-1509



Office: 425-623-3653

Parish Contacts

Home: 425-623-3653

Lay Leadership

Ms. Emily Lorelli
Choir Director
Reader Alexander Wells
Youth Director


From Interstate 405
From I-405, at exit 20B, take ramp right for N.E. 124th St. toward Totem Lake Blvd. Turn right onto NE 124th St. Bear left onto 132nd Ave NE / Slater Ave NE. The last intersection is NE 140th St. If you reach NE 142nd Pl, you’ve gone too far.  Please call for directions

Schedule of Services

Services are conducted in English

6:00 PM Great Vespers or Resurrectional Vigil.
Saturday Evening

9:00 AM Third and Sixth Hours followed by Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

For a complete list of upcoming services, please visit the Calendar on the parish website.

Parish Background

Saint Katherine’s was established in 1998 as a mission of Seattle’s St. Spiridon Cathedral. Our goal is to minister to all people of the Eastside, Orthodox Christians and those interested in the Orthodox faith, regardless of ethnic or religious background. For this reason, all services are in English, and we offer youth and adult education classes that are open to all.

Under Father Timothy Perry, our first services were held in the basement of Kirkland Congregational Church. A few years later, we relocated to a historic American Legion Hall across from Kirkland City Hall. This was our home for a dozen years. During this time, the mission grew under the leadership of Father John Strickland. In 2012, one year after the arrival of Father Barnabas Powell, growth reached the point where St. Katherine’s had to relocate to a former Protestant church, which we were able to purchase in November 2016.

The membership of St. Katherine’s consists mostly of converts to the Orthodox faith (with their multitude of now “cradle Orthodox” children). We also have many parishioners from Slavic and other traditionally Orthodox backgrounds. Our parish continues to grow steadily, guided by the conviction that Orthodoxy offers true hope for our healing and the healing of the world.

Our parish presently has an average Sunday attendance of over 100 souls, including many children. We constantly receive new inquirers, eager to experience the doctrinal and liturgical stability of the ancient Christian faith.

In addition to a full worship cycle, three emphases of our parish life are Fellowship, Education and Charity. Regarding Fellowship: Coffee Hours always involve a full meal that’s open to all visitors. Regarding Education: We have a vibrant Sunday School with multiple grade levels, as well as Inquirer’s classes and Bible Study. Regarding Charity: Groups of parishioners gather regularly to volunteer in their local community outreach, including serving meals for the hungry, prison ministry, and food pantries. We partner with the nearby Woodinville Store House Food Bank, both in collecting food donations and providing on-site volunteers. The first Sunday of every month is Charity Sunday when we take a collection for an array of both local and international charities.

Saint Katherine’s is a worshipping community, but also a family that wants to grow. Having finally acquired a building and graduated from mission to parish status, our hope is to be missionary minded, bringing the healing faith of Orthodox Christianity to more and more people in our region.