Holy Virgin Mary CathedralAccessible

Los Angeles, California

Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral

Founded 1923

Diocese: Diocese of the West

Deanery: Pacific Southwest Deanery


650 Micheltorena St
Los Angeles, California 90026-3623


Website: hvmla.org

Office: 323-661-7000

Parish Contacts

647 Robinson St
Los Angeles, CA 90026
Home: 818-213-7176
Associate Priest
Assigned Protodeacon


From the north
Take the Hollywood Freeway (Rt 101); exit at Silver Lake Blvd and turn left at the end of the ramp.  At the second signal (Bellevue Ave), turn left.  At the first stop sign (Michelterona St) turn right.  The cathedral is on the right hand side, at the top of the first block.  Parking is available.

From the south
Take the Hollywood Freeway (Rt 101); exit at Silver Lake Blvd and turn right at the end of the ramp.  At the first signal (Bellevue Ave), turn left.  At the first stop sign (Michelterona St) turn right.  The cathedral is on the right hand side, at the top of the first block.  Parking is available.

Schedule of Services

5:00 PM Vigil (English and Slavonic on alternate Saturdays).
Saturday Evening

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

7:00 PM Vigil (both English and Church Slavonic).
Eves of Great Feasts

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy (both English and Church Slavonic).
Mornings of Great Feasts

The Community of St. Nicholas is meeting for services in Georgian language at Holy Virgin Mary Cathedral. For information and schedules please contact the community’s Rector, Hieromonk Ioann (Kavkadze) at (714) 737-5793.

For a complete list of upcoming services, please visit the Calendar on the parish website.

Parish Background

Our parish, being the 2nd oldest Orthodox Church in South California, was founded in 1923 by a group of Russian emigrants, who named it after an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Rescuer of the Perishing”. The temple was consecrated by Metropolitan Platon in 1928, and has since been a spiritual refuge to Russian, American and other Orthodox from all around the world. Among the rectors of this Cathedral were: Archpriest Pavel Razumov (1923-25), Archpriest Gregory Prozoroff (1935-46), Archimandrite (later Archbishop of San Francisco) John (Shahovskoy) (1946-47), Protopresbyter Alexander Kukulevsky (1947-57), Archpriest Dimitry Gisetti (1957-79), and Bishop Tikhon (Fitzgerald) of San Francisco (1980-2006). Among the Cathedral’s choir directors were well known Michael Milosheff, Vladimir Morosan, and Vincent Peterson, (now Bishop Benjamin of San Francisco). Some of the known parishioners of our Church were: Counts Golitzins, Counts Volkonski’s, singer M.I.Babich, composer Sergei Rachmaninoff, Maria Rasputin and actress Natalie Wood.

If you are planning a pilgrimage, here you will be able to venerate the following sacred objects: a piece of the Precious Cross of our Lord, an icon of St. John of Kronstadt with a piece of his priestly vestment, and a Virgin Mary icon consecrated by St. John of Kronstadt himself. Among the holy relics of the Saints are those of St. Panteleimon, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. Daniel of Moscow, St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Innocent of Moscow, St. Ambrose of Optina, St. Tikhon of Moscow, and the new Russian Royal Martyrs Elizabeth and Barbara.

We welcome pilgrims and new parishioners, and we are open every day from 10am to 4pm to serve you. Please give us a call and stop by if you happen to be in the vicinity!