St. Maria of Paris Church

Hamilton, Ontario

Founded 2020

Diocese: Archdiocese of Canada

Deanery: Ontario Deanery


120 Fennell Ave E
Hamilton, Ontario L9A 1S1


Parish Contacts

Home: 204-688-0423

Schedule of Services

Services are serviced in English.

5:00 PM Great Vespers.
Saturday Evening

9:00 AM Matins.
Sunday Morning

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

Parish Background

Several years ago, our community was conceived as an informal gathering of lay people in Hamilton who were inspired by St Maria’s devotion to the least fortunate during the deeply troubled times of the Second World War.

With the prayers, guidance, and blessing of our beloved Archbishop Irénée our mission was established on July 20th, 2020 when we all received the Eucharist together on the feast day of our patroness, St Maria of Paris.

We are a family that gathers around the table of worship. We are brothers and sisters who see the face of Christ in every person we encounter. We are fathers and mothers who nurture and welcome both friends and strangers.

You are always welcome.