St. Sergius of Radonezh Chapel

Lac Labelle, Quebec

St. Sergius of Radonezh Chapel

Founded 1953


(open from June through September)

Diocese: Archdiocese of Canada

Deanery: Quebec and Atlantic Provinces Deanery


c/o M. Troubetzkoy
10197 Ch. du Lac Labelle
Lac Labelle, Quebec J0T 1H0

Parish Contacts

Home: 914-474-5867


St Sergius Chapel is located at 10197 chemin du Lac Labelle.  Lac Labelle is about two hours’ drive north from Montreal, and about the same from Ottawa through Montebello, QC.

Schedule of Services

Services are held only during the summer months as announced.

Parish Background

St Sergius Chapel is located on the land next to the home of the late Mr Sergius Troubetskoi, at 10197, chemin du Lac Labelle.  Founded in 1953, the chapel serves a group of Orthodox families who have summer homes at Lac Labelle, and other visitors.  Lac Labelle is about two hours’ drive north from Montreal.