St. John the Baptist Cemetery

Wahstao , Alberta

St. John the Baptist Cemetery


Serviced by deanery clergy.

Diocese: Archdiocese of Canada

Deanery: Alberta Deanery


15421 Twp Road 590
Wahstao , Alberta

Parish Contacts

Dean, Alberta and Northwest Territories Deanery
Office: 780-484-9804
Cell: 780-288-5347


From SS. Peter and Paul Church, Dickie Bush, AB proceed north on SH 857 to Twp Rd 590, then west on Twp Rd 590(a correction line) for two and one half miles. The St. John the Baptist Cemetery, Wahstao, AB is on the south side of the road. Its rural address is: 15421Twp Rd 590. The monastic building, disused for more than 40 years, are at present in ruins.