St. John of Kronstadt ChurchAccessible

Lincoln, Nebraska

St. John of Kronstadt Church

Founded 2000

Diocese: Diocese of the Midwest

Deanery: Kansas City Deanery


2800 Holdrege Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68503

Mailing address:

703 N 30th
Lincoln, NE 68503


Church: 402-475-7716

Parish Contacts

Holy Trinity Church
Overland Park, KS
Office: 913-681-6948


From O Street:
Turn north on to 27th Street. Continue on 27th until you reach Holdrege. Turn east on Holdrege. The church is one block east on the north side.

From I-80
Take the 27th Street exit.  Go south on 27th Street. Continue on 27th until you reach Holdrege. Turn east on Holdrege. The church is one block east on the north side.

Schedule of Services

All services are in English

6:30 PM Vespers
Saturday Evening

8:30 AM Matins; 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

6:30 PM Vespers
Monday, Wednesday, Friday Evenings

6:30 PM Vigil
Eves of Great Feasts

6:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Mornings of Great Feasts

Adult Education classes meet at 10:00 AM on Saturdays.  Bible Study meets at Noon on Tuesdays.
Education Schedule

For a complete schedule of services, please visit the Monthly Calendar on the parish website.

Parish Background

St. John’s Parish began in the Spring of 1988 as a small Orthodox Mission. A group of Orthodox Christians bought a house, set up a chapel, and began having bible studies, prayer services and various outreach programs with the hopes of building an Othodox Church. St. John of Kronstadt was chosen as the patron saint of the mission. The mission continued to grow and in October 1991 the present church building was purchased. Through the direction and guidance of several priests in the OCA, the mission was received into the OCA in the fall of 2000 and became the first OCA Church in Nebraska.

Fr. James Dank was ordained priest and assigned as rector of St. John’s by His Grace, Bishop Job in November 2000. St. John’s has continued to grow and has helped found St. Nicholas Mission in Pella, Iowa in 2003, and continues its missionary efforts in Nebraska and the midwest. In January 2004 St. John’s was a recipient of a mission planting grant allowing Fr. James to devote all of his time and effort to the building up of Christ’s Holy Church.