St. Mark of Ephesus ChurchAccessible

Kingston, Massachusetts

St. Mark of Ephesus Church

Founded 1983

Diocese: Diocese of New England

Deanery: Boston Deanery


261 Main St
Kingston, Massachusetts 02364


Church: 781-585-8907

Parish Contacts

Phone: 508-927-6220
Retired, Attached

Lay Leadership

Mka. Catherine Condrick
Council Chairperson
Ms. Jennifer Paulin
Choir Director


From Boston
Take Route 3 south to exit 9.  Take a right off of the exit ramp onto Route 3A north.  Travel through the stop light, and bear left onto Route 106.  St Mark Church is about 1/2 mile on the right.

From South Shore and Cape Cod
Take Rt 3 to exit 9, turn right at end of ramp.  After second light, follow for 1/4 mile and bear left onto Rt 106.  St Mark is on the right past the police station.

Schedule of Services

5:00 PM Great Vespers and Confessions.
First and Third Saturday Evening of the Month, and as announced

9:30 AM Hours.
Sunday Morning

10:00 Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour and Church School.
Sunday Morning

Call the church at 781-585-8907 or visit the Weekly Calendar on the parish website for schedule of other services, including Holy Week and Pascha.

Parish Background

St Mark of Ephesus Orthodox Mission was established over in 1984 to provide a local presence and place of worship to the South Shore of Boston and Cape Cod.  The early years saw parishioners meeting in homes and then rented space.  In 1995 the community purchased its present Church building and continues to renovate the property.

We continue to grow physically as well as spiritually.  Although ours is a relatively small community (around 50, from all ethnic groups), we are blessed with a strong sense of unity and a firm dedication to living a Christian Orthodox life. We are interested in evangelism, growth, and education.  Our services are in English.

We are eager to see new faces and welcome visitors from all walks of life and of all faiths.  If we can help you in any way please call any of the contacts anytime.  Glory to Jesus Christ.