Diocese: Romanian Episcopate
Deanery: Central USA Deanery
6501 Nottingham Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 63109-2659
Website: stthomasstl.org
Parish Contacts
From the South
From US 55 North, exit at Crondelet. Turn left. Go 2 lights to Gravois. Turn right. Go to Hampton Ave and turn left. Go through 3 traffic lights and turn left on Nottingham Ave. The Church is located at the 2nd stop sign on the right.
From the East
From US 55 / 70 West, exit at US 44 West. Take Hampton Ave exit and turn left. Go through 7 traffic lights and turn right on Nottingham Ave. The Church is located at the 2nd stop sign on the right.
From the West
From US 40 East, exit at Hampton Ave and turn right. Pass under US 44. Go through 7 lights to Nottingham Ave and turn light. The Church is located at the 2nd stop sign on the right.
Schedule of Services
5:00 PM Great Vespers, followed by Confession.
Saturday Evening
8:45 AM Matins.
Sunday Morning
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy, followed by Coffee Hour.
Sunday Morning
6:00 PM Daily Vespers, followed by Bible Study.
Wednesday Evening
Other services as dictated by the Liturgical calendar. For a complete list of services, as well as Feast Day schedule, please access the Monthly Calendar on the parish website.