Diocese: Diocese of the South
Deanery: Carolina Deanery
4164 Henry River Rd
Hickory, North Carolina 28602
Mailing address:
PO Box 773
Hickory, NC 28603-0773
Website: archangelgabrielhickory.org
Office: 828-278-9066
Parish Contacts
2608 Castlehill Rd
Gastonia, NC 28052
Home: 704-284-4221
Church: 828-278-9066
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Attached Deacon
Lay Leadership
Matushka Patricia Schellbach
Choir Director
We are located in the historic Henry River Mill Village.
Please enter through our main entrance, which is the far left doors.
Schedule of Services
5:00 PM Great Vespers, followed by confessions.
Saturday Evening
9:40 AM Hours; 10:00 AM Divine Liturgy, followed by social hour potluck luncheon.
Sunday Morning
Please visit the Schedule page on the parish website for specific dates of the services.