SS. Constantine and Helen / Holy Theophany ChurchAccessible

Colorado Springs, Colorado

SS. Constantine and Helen / Holy Theophany Church

Founded 1974

Diocese: Diocese of the West

Deanery: Rocky Mountain Deanery


2770 N Chestnut St
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80907


Church: 719-473-9238

Parish Contacts

Acting Rector
Phone: 719-473-9238
Associate Pastor
Assigned Deacon


General Location
Holy Theophany Church is very easy to find, located in a suburban neighborhood approximately 5 minutes north of the downtown area off I-25.

From I-25
Exit Fillmore St.  The Church is on Chestnut St which at that point is to the immediate west (mountains side) of the freeway.  Travel approximately 3 blocks south on Chestnut, church is directly across from “American Family Furniture”.

Schedule of Services

All services are in English.

6:00 PM Great Vespers.
Saturday Evening

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy.
Sunday Morning

6:00 PM Vespers.
Wednesday Evening

6:00 PM Great Vespers.
Eves of Great Feasts

8:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Mornings of Great Feasts

DURING THE FIRST WEEK OF GREAT LENT, Matins are served daily at 6 AM and Compline with the Canon of St Andrew at 6 PM.  DURING HOLY WEEK, services each morning are held at 6AM and each evening at 6 PM.
Great Lent

6:00 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, followed by Lenten Meal.
Wednesday Evenings in Great Lent

8:00 AM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.
Friday Mornings in Great Lent

For a complete list of upcoming services, please visit the Service Calendar on the parish website.

Parish Background

SS Constantine and Helen Orthodox Church began in the early part of 1974, when Met. Vladimir of blessed memory made contact with Orthodox faithful of Colorado Springs.  At the time, liturgical services were only periodically held at the Air Force Academy by various Orthodox Chaplains.  Encouraged by the response, Met. Vladimir asked Fr John Schrieber, an assistant priest at St Innocent Church in Tarzana, CA to consider starting a mission in our city.  While on vacation in August 1974, Fr John stopped in Colorado Springs.  One month later, he moved here and began work with the mission.  The first “official” service took place on September 8, 1974, the Feast of the Nativity of the Theotokos and the beginning of the Liturgical year…Truly a fitting and appropriate beginning fro a new community.

In September 2001, SS Constantine and Helen Church broke ground on the new and glorious Holy Theophany Temple reflective of both the quantitative and qualitative growth of Orthodoxy in southern Colorado. The temple was completed in 2002.  A new fellowship hall was completed in 2009.