St. Herman ChurchAccessible

Littleton, Colorado

St. Herman Church

Founded 1972

Diocese: Diocese of the West

Deanery: Rocky Mountain Deanery


991 W Prentice Ave
Littleton, Colorado 80120-1455


Office: 303-798-7306

Parish Contacts

Cell: 602-418-2982


General Location
St Herman Orthodox Christian Church is located in Littleton, CO, the county seat of Arapahoe County, about 10 miles south of Denver, and about 75 miles north of Colorado Springs.

From Interstate 70
Take Interstate 25 south.  Exit I-25 at Santa Fe Dr (south US 85).  Turn left on Bellevue Ave (east). Turn right on South Hickory St.  The Church is on the left, at the corner of South Hickory St and West Prentice Ave.

Schedule of Services

Liturgical Language is English.

6:00 PM Great Vespers or Vigil followed by Confessions.
Saturday Evening

9:10 AM Hours; 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy, Coffee Hour, Church School.
Sunday Morning

6:30 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts (followed by a Lenten potluck dinner on Fridays)
Wednesday and Friday Evenings During Great Lent

6:30 PM Vigil or Great Vespers.
Eves of Great Feasts

9:30 AM Divine Liturgy.
Mornings of Great Feasts

Confessions are heard after Saturday Evening services or by appointment with the rector.

Please call the Church Office at 303-798-7306 to arrange Baptisms, Marriages, Memorials, Thanksgiving Services, etc.  See our webpage for current parish information: weekly bulletins and monthly calendars.

Parish Background

St Herman Orthodox Christian Church is a parish of the Diocese of the West within the Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America. This parish is the first to be named after St Herman of Alaska, the first canonized Orthodox Saint in North America.

On August 25, 1972, ten members of Transfiguration of Christ Orthodox Cathedral in Denver met to discuss the possibility of starting a new mission in the Denver area.  Archbishop John of San Francisco assigned the rector of Transfiguration Church, Fr Andrew Harrison, to administer the spiritual needs of the new mission.  The mission became established on October 25, 1972.

The first Divine Liturgy of the new mission was served in the American Legion Hall, 1655 Simms, Lakewood, CO on October 29, 1972.  In February 1973, the mission purchased its first property, 937 E Bellview, Cherry Hills Village.  When the mission outgrew these facilities they purchased the present property at 991 W Prentice Ave, Littleton, CO from the Belleview Bible Chapel.  The first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the new church on September 4, 1976.  Archbishop John of San Francisco consecrated the new church on October 30, 1977, the fifth anniversary of the Parish.

In order to provide a clear witness to Christ and His Gospel in our American culture, the parish from the beginning insisted on the use of English as the primary language in all worship services.

Our parish is multi-ethnic with a good mix of converts and “cradle” Orthodox Christians.  The Parish is warm, friendly, and open to all who desire to worship God, the Holy Trinity, in the Orthodox Way.