Elevation of the Holy Cross Church

Sacramento, California

Elevation of the Holy Cross Church

Founded 1976

Diocese: Diocese of the West

Deanery: Pacific Central Deanery


9000 Jackson Rd
Sacramento, California 95826

Mailing address:

2443 Fair Oaks Blvd #295
Sacramento, CA 95825-7684

Website: holycrosssacramento.org

Office: 916-857-0806

Parish Contacts

Home: 916-768-1681
Associate Priest
Retired, Attached
Retired, Attached
Attached Deacon

Lay Leadership

Ms. Valerie Simonson
Choir Director
Ms. Catherine Plefka
Church School Coordinator


General Location
We are located in Sacramento, CA, the state’s capitol city, approximately 2 miles from Interstate 50.

From Interstate 50
Take Interstate 50 to Watt Ave S, to Highway 16 (Jackson Highway).  Turn left and go approximately 1/4 mile. The church is located on the right side.

Schedule of Services

5:30 PM Vespers and Confessions.
Saturday Evening

9:00 AM Hours, Divine Liturgy, Coffee Hour, Adult Education.
Sunday Morning

6:00 PM Vespers, followed by Orthodox Faith and Life Class.
Wednesday Evenings

6:00 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts.
Wednesday Evenings in Great Lent

For a list of upcoming services, please view the parish Google Calendar.

Parish Background

Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthodox Church of Sacramento was established in 1976 when Archbishop John (Shahovskoy) of San Francisco gave nine families a blessing to form a mission church.  From this humble beginning, the parish has grown steadily and now numbers over one hundred faithful.

In 1981 the church purchased property on El Camino Ave.  A renovated house located on the property served as our community’s chapel, parish office, teaching center, and fellowship hall.  However, as the church grew over the years it became evident that the El Camino location was simply too small to adequately serve the increasing membership.

Given the growth limitation of the El Camino site, the membership made the decision to purchase a new and much larger parcel of land on Jackson Ave in Sacramento.  Under the guidance of an architect, the parish developed an exciting long term plan for the use of the new property.  The first step is complete.

Our church school is in full swing, with four groups meeting every Sunday:  Little people to seven years old, middle school (age 7-12) and a lively group of teens and adults. We encourage parent participation to bring Christ into the hearts and lives of our youth.

Our outreach programs include an OCF program at University of California at Davis.  This program supports the Orthodox faith at our colleges.  Fr Timothy heads this important work helping to keep the faith of our young people who are away from home, in addition to bringing new searchers to the Orthodox Way.

The Archangel Michael Food Closet is one of our most successful programs.  Serving our community for over ten years, the food closet distributes food to the needy every Tuesday.  Sixty families participate in the program that begins in early morning hours.