SS. Peter and Paul Church

Urey (Glen Campbell), Pennsylvania

SS. Peter and Paul Church

Founded 1916

Diocese: Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania

Deanery: Eastern Deanery


Urey Rd
Urey (Glen Campbell), Pennsylvania 15742

Mailing address:

c/o 102 N 3rd St
Dubois PA 15801-3158

Parish Contacts

Home: 814-375-0459

Lay Leadership

Miss Margie V Hook
Choir Director
Home: 814-845-7960
V. Rev. Mark Meholick
Church School Coordinator


SS Peter and Paul Church is located 1 1/2 miles off Rte 286, between the junction of Rte 219 and Glenn in Glen Campbell.

Schedule of Services

Note:  The following schedule alternates with our sister parish, St Nicholas Church, DuBois, PA.  Call the Rector at 814-375-0459 for schedule or information, or to arrange Baptisms, Marriages, Memorials, etc.

6:30 PM Great Vespers, Confessions (alternate weeks).
Saturday Evening

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy or Typica (Alternate).
Sunday Morning

6:30 PM Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, Lenten supper, Adult Discussions.  Call to confirm dates.
Wednesday & Friday Evenings During Great Lent

6:30 PM Vespers with Litiya or Vigil.
Eves of Great Feasts falling on work days

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy.
Mornings of Great Feasts falling on work days

Parish Background

SS Peter and Paul Orthodox Church was organized and founded in 1916 by a group of faithful who had originally been part of the membership of the Greek Catholic parish in Arcadia.  During this time, the Arcadia parish was experiencing considerable dissent and turmoil over what is now termed the “Orthodox Movement”.  Several Greek Catholic parishes were leaving the Unia and returning to the true Orthodox Faith of their ancestors.  This movement was propagated by St Alexis Toth, a former Uniate Priest, who himself embraced Orthodoxy.  When it seemed very certain that the Church in Arcadia would remain within the Greek Catholic Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, the original group of founders of SS Peter and Paul Church left to organize their own parish.

The circle of faithful unanimously resolved at a parish meeting in June 1916 to petition Archbishop Evdokim of the Russian Orthodox Missionary Diocese of North America to appoint for them a resident priest.  In response, the Archbishop appointed Fr Vasily Levdar, who began his assignment on July 2, 1916.

Through the years, the parish grew as long as the coal mines were opened in Urey.  The closing of the mines, deaths, and mixed marriages with other faiths have all contributed to the decline in membership of the parish.  SS Peter and Paul Church began to be serviced by the priest at St Nicholas Church, DuBois, in the early 1980s.  By 1984 Bishop Kyrill of Pittsburgh took steps to stabilize the life of the parish by officially combining it administratively and spiritually with St Nicholas Church.  Since then the small parish has enjoyed a full Liturgical schedule and activities such as Church School & Adult Education classes, fund raising projects, and most recently, the renovation and renewal of the church building.

On August 16, 1997, a new Altar Table (Prestol) was consecrated by His Eminence, Archbishop Kyrill along with the newly renovated Temple.  It is our prayer that this will be a “new beginning” and that the Lord will “preserve this Holy House until the end of the world” as we pray during the Liturgy of St Basil the Great.