Scripture Readings

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Today’s commemorated feasts and saints

Afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross. Saturday after Elevation. Great Martyr Euphemia the All-praised (304). Repose of St. Kiprián, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1406). St. Sebastiana, disciple of St. Paul the Apostle, martyred at Heraclea (1st c.). Martyr Melitinḗ of Marcianopolis (2nd c.). Martyrs Victor and Sosthenes at Chalcedon (ca. 304). Ven. Dorotheus, Hermit, of Egypt (4th c.). Martyr Ludmila, grandmother of St. Wenceslaus (Viachesláv), Prince of the Czechs (927). New Martyrs Isaac and Joseph of Georgia (808).