Praise the Lord: Understand You People

“O heavenly King, Comforter and Spirit of Truth, come and abide in us; cleanse us from every impurity and save our souls, O Good One” (Troparion of Pentecost)

Just before the Divine Liturgy begins, the celebrant invokes the Holy Spirit by reciting the hymn above. Nothing can happen without inspiration. What the word means is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. What happens is that each of us becomes aware of some new energy within us, filling us with power that raises our consciousness to a higher lever of alertness to who we are and what we are about. We don’t lose consciousness, like those who are on drugs. On the contrary, we become aware of what is normally dormant, discovering greater possibilities that we hadn’t before noticed. Here is what happens to the person opening himself or herself to the Holy Spirit. Here’s how it activates us to respond to the Divine Liturgy.

You hear: Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

You understand: I’m going somewhere along with the entire people of God in this parish, with all who are at each Orthodox Christian altar throughout the world, and with those who have gone before us to their rest along with the angels in heaven. I’m standing in a patch of God’s Kingdom. The heavenly Father blessed the Son to enter this world, to live as a human being, to inaugurate the Kingdom and to give His life so that I may live with Him there, and the Holy Spirit within my soul is making it happen.

You hear: now and ever

You understand: I don’t have to wait until I’m dead for that to occur. It’s taking place now And I’d better not miss the moment; otherwise, I’ll allow my mind to drift and my soul to freeze. This is the instant that can have an effect on me for the rest of my life; and ever because the grace that I absorb this hour will last throughout my life. No matter where I shall go or what conditions I encounter—despite the difficulties that challenge my beliefs or hardships that afflict my journey on earth—I will never lose the spiritual gifts that are offered to me by the Lord in the Holy Eucharist.

You hear: and unto ages of ages

It means: It will last long after the universe disappears. This earth, along with our whole solar system, the sun and its satellites now some six plus billion years old, will eventually go into a red expansion and after that implode and be no more; but my soul will always be in touch with divinity, and my essential self will share the bliss of the blessed in the Kingdom of heaven.

You hear: Amen

You understand: Yes! Right on! My heart rings out with the affirmation that I am where I must be, where the Lord has placed me so that my heart can ring out with the joy of His presence. Our God is a humble and loving God. He never imposes on us, but rather waits patiently until we are ready to rise up and celebrate the gift of eternal life with Him in His Kingdom. Yes, Lord, I am ready! Yes, Lord, I have with the help of the Holy Spirit cleansed my mind, prepared my body with fasting, and purified my soul in order to make myself equipped, if not worthy, to respond to You with my whole body, mind and soul. You have overwhelmed me with Yourself, and I have no words adequate to thank You. All I can say is, Amen! Let Your will be done in my life.