Lives of all saints commemorated on February 9

Sunday of Zacchaeus

The paschal season of the Church is preceded by the season of Great Lent, which is also preceded by its own liturgical preparation. The first sign of the approach of Great Lent comes five Sundays before its beginning. On this Sunday the Gospel reading is about Zacchaeus the tax-collector. It tells how Christ brought salvation to the sinful man, and how his life was changed simply because he “sought to see who Jesus was” (Luke 19:3). The desire and effort to see Jesus begins the entire movement through Lent towards Pascha. It is the first movement of salvation.

Our lenten journey begins with a recognition of our own sinfulness, just as Zacchaeus recognized his. He promised to make restitution by giving half of his wealth to the poor, and by paying to those he had falsely accused four times as much as they had lost. In this, he went beyond the requirements of the Law (Ex. 22:3-12).

The example of Zacchaeus teaches us that we should turn away from our sins, and atone for them. The real proof of our sorrow and repentance is not just a verbal apology, but when we correct ourselves and try to make amends for the consequences of our evil actions.

We are also assured of God’s mercy and compassion by Christ’s words to Zacchaeus, “Today salvation has come to this house” (Luke 19:9). After the Great Doxology and Trisagion at Sunday Matins (when the Tone of the week is in Tone 1, 3, 5, or 7) we sing the Troparion of the Resurrection: “Today salvation is come to the world, let us sing praises to Him Who arose from the tomb, and is the Author of our life. For having destroyed death by death, He has given us the victory and great mercy.”

Zacchaeus was short, so he climbed a tree in order to see the Lord. All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). We are also short in our spiritual stature, therefore we must climb the ladder of the virtues. In other words, we must prepare for spiritual effort and growth.

Saint Zacchaeus is also commemorated on April 20.

Leavetaking of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple

The Leavetaking of the Meeting of the Lord usually falls on February 9, but may be moved if the Feast falls during the period of the Triodion. In that case, the Typikon must be consulted for information on the Leavetaking.

Usually, the entire office of the Feast is repeated except for the Entrance, festal readings, and Litya at Vespers, and the Polyeleos and festal Gospel at Matins. The festal Antiphons are not sung at Liturgy, and the Epistle and Gospel of the day are read.

Martyr Nikephoros of Antioch, in Syria

The Holy Martyr Nikephoros (Nikēphóros) lived in the city of Syrian Antioch. In this city lived also the presbyter Sapricius, with whom Nikephoros was very friendly, so that they were considered as brothers. They quarreled because of some disagreement, and their former love changed into enmity and hate.

After a certain time Nikephoros came to his senses, repented of his sin and more than once asked Sapricius, through mutual friends, to forgive him. Sapricius, however, did not wish to forgive him. Nikephoros then went to his former friend and fervently asked forgiveness, but Sapricius was adamant.

At this time the emperors Valerian (253-259) and Gallius (260-268) began to persecute Christians, and one of the first brought before the court was the priest Sapricius. He firmly confessed himself a Christian, underwent tortures for his faith and was condemned to death by beheading with a sword. As they led Sapricius to execution, Nikephoros tearfully implored his forgiveness saying, “O martyr of Christ, forgive me if I have sinned against you in any way.”

The priest Sapricius remained stubborn, and even as he approached death he refused to forgive his fellow Christian. Seeing the hardness of his heart, the Lord withdrew His blessing from Sapricius, and would not let him receive the crown of martyrdom. At the last moment, he suddenly became afraid of death and agreed to offer sacrifice to idols. In vain did Saint Nikephoros urge Sapricius not to lose his reward through apostasy, since he already stood on the threshold of the heavenly Kingdom.

Saint Nikephoros then said to the executioner, “I am a Christian, and I believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. Execute me in place of Sapricius.” The executioners reported this to the governor. He decided to free Sapricius, and to behead Nikephoros in his place. Thus did Saint Nikephoros inherit the Kingdom and receive a martyr’s crown.

Uncovering of the relics of Saint Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk

Saint Innocent, the first Bishop of Irkutsk, reposed on November 27, 1731. But because the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God is commemorated on that day, his Feast Day is celebrated on November 26.

After the Saint's death, his persecutors received their just retribution. Archimandrite Anthony was discredited in Beijing as unorthodox. He was returned to St. Petersburg, deposed and imprisoned. Soon afterward, the Vice-Governor of Irkutsk was executed for his crimes.

In 1764, the body of Saint Innocent was discovered to be incorrupt during restoration work on the Ascension Monastery’s Tikhvin church. Many miracles occurred not only at Irkutsk, but also in the remote places of Siberia, for those who turned to the Saint in prayer.

In 1783, there was a great fire at Ascension Monastery. Everything that could burn was burnt. However, the old wooden temple, where the Saint's body rested, remained unharmed.

On February 9, 1805, the Most Holy Synod decided to uncover the Hierarch's relics and to number him among the Saints.

On February 2, 1831, the Feast of the Meeting of the Lord, His Grace Bishop Benjamin took Vladyka's holy relics from his tomb and placed them in the midst of the Tikhvin church, and then he served the Divine Liturgy before them. A week later, on February 9, the Hierarch's relics were solemnly transferred from the Tikhvin church to the Ascension Cathedral in a Cross Procession with the wonderworking Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In the twenties of the XX century, a period of persecution by the new godless authorities against Christians began. The Superior of Ascension Monastery was arrested, along with other hierarchs of Siberia. In 1921, the Saint's relics were subjected to a sacrilegious medical examination, after which they were taken from the orphaned Monastery, and then they disappeared for a long time.

In 1990, in one of the churches of the city of Yaroslavl, Saint Innocent's relics were discovered in a utility room. A medical examination showed that the body, which was not touched by decay, was that of Saint Innocent. His holy relics were returned to Irkutsk, and today they rest in Znamensky Monastery.

Saint Innocent, the first Bishop of Irkutsk is commemorated on November 26 (the day of his repose), February 9 (the discovery of his relics in 1805), June 10 (Synaxis of the Saints of Siberia), September 2 (the return of his relics to Irkutsk in 1990), on October 10 (Synaxis of the Saints of Volhynia), and on the third Sunday after Pentecost (Synaxis of the Saints of St. Petersburg).

Venerable Pancratius of the Kiev Caves

The holy hieromonk Pancratius performed the divine services with much grace, and received the gift of working miracles. He shared his gifts with those who asked, healing the sick with fasting, prayer, and anointing with holy oil.

Venerable Nikēphóros of Vazheozersk

Saint Nikēphóros of Vazhe Lake came to Saint Alexander of Svir (April 17) in the year 1510 and was warmly received by him. In 1518 he made a visit, with the blessing of his mentor, to Saint Cyril of New Lake (February 4). When Nikēphóros approached New Lake, he was fatigued by his long journey and lay down in the darkness and fell asleep.

Saint Cyril hastened by boat to row across the lake and awoke him. Saint Nikēphóros spent eight days in spiritual conversation with the saint. Nikēphóros then journeyed to Kiev to venerate the relics of the saints of the Caves.

Upon his return, and with the blessing of Saint Alexander, he settled at Vazhe Lake, where Saint Gennadius pursued asceticism. Saint Nikēphóros built the Church of the Transfiguration and a monastery, where he lived until his own death.

In the second half of the nineteenth century, in the Zadne-Nikiforov wilderness, a church was built and dedicated to Saints Nikēphóros and Gennadius of Vazhe Lake. The relics of the saints were put to rest in a hidden place in the monastery they founded.

Venerable Gennadius of Vazheozersk

Saint Gennadius of Vazhe Lake was the son of rich parents but, giving away everything, he became a disciple of Saint Alexander of Svir and lived with him in asceticism as a hermit by the river Svira. Afterwards, with blessing of Saint Alexander, he went to Vazhe Lake, twelve versts from the Svir monastery. And here, having built a cell, he spent his solitary ascetic life with two of his disciples.

Before his death, Saint Gennadius told his disciple, “Here at this place shall be a church and a monastery.” The holy ascetic reposed on January 8, 1516.

Hieromartyrs Marcellus, Bishop of Sicily, Philagrius, Bishop of Cyprus, and Pancratius, Bishop of Taoromina

The Hieromartyrs Marcellus, Philagrius and Pancratius were disciples of the holy Apostle Peter and were made bishops by him: Saints Marcellus of Sicily, Philagrius of Cyprus, and Pancratius of Taormina. They were put to death for spreading the faith of Christ among the pagans.

Venerable Shio Mgvime

Saint Shio was one of the twelve disciples of Saint John Zedazeni. They were holy Syrian (Cappadocian) ascetics, the founders of Georgian monasticism, who arrived in Georgia from Cappadocia in the mid-sixth century. The holy Thirteen Cappadocian Fathers were actually Georgians, who received their spiritual schooling at the renowned Lavra of Saint Simeon the Stylite and at other monasteries of Syria and Mesopotamia, intending to return to their native land and assist in its Christian enlightenment.

Saint Shio is also commemorated on May 9.

Virgin Martyr Apollonia

Saint Apollonia was an elderly virgin and deaconess of Alexandria, whose martyrdom was described by Saint Dionysius of Alexandria (October 5) in one of his letters.

When Decius became emperor in 249, he launched the greatest attack upon Christianity up to that time, becoming the first emperor to call for its total extermination. Saint Dionysius says that the persecution started at Alexandria a year before it began in other places, incited by a certain “prophet and poet of evil,” who stirred up the people against the Christians.

Backed by the power of the government, the pagans massacred Christians, believing that they were serving their false gods by doing so. The “aged and excellent virgin Apollonia” was seized and struck in the face until all her teeth were knocked out. The mob built a fire outside the city and threatened to burn her alive unless she agreed to worship the idols and sacrifice to the emperor’s genius.

Saint Apollonia asked the pagans to let go of her for a moment so that she could pray. As soon as they did, she leaped into the flames and was consumed, receiving a double crown of martyrdom and virginity. Because of the nature of her torments, she is sometimes depicted with a golden tooth hanging from a necklace, or holding a tooth in a pair of pincers. She is invoked by those suffering from toothache.

Venerable Romanós of Cilicia

Saint Romanós was from the city of Rosón in Cilicia, but he spent his anchoritic life in strict fasting in a cave near Antioch during the V century. There, at the foot of a mountain, he built a small cell, in which he struggled as an ascetic. He wore heavy chains under his hair shirt, and for many years he did not light a fire in his cell.

Because of his most holy life, God granted him the grace of working miracles. Reports of his holiness attracted great crowds of the faithful to him, who asked for his blessing. The Saint healed several persons who suffered from grave illnesses, and through his prayers, many infertile women were able to give birth to healthy children.

The charisma1 of working miracles did not make him proud. Quite the contrary! The Saint often quoted the words of Saint Paul: "Therefore, let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall" (I Corinthians 10:12). He also said that it is no great thing to perform miracles, but rather to do works of righteousness and to keep God's commandments.

Thus, after leading a God-pleasing life, Saint Romanós reposed in peace. He is also commemorated on November 27.

Saint Romanós is one of many Saints whose intercession we seek for deliverance from childlessness and barreness. Some of the others are: Saint Stylianos (November 26), Saint Hypatios the Igoumen of Rufinianus in Chalcedon († March 31, 446), Saints Theodore and John (July 12).

1 χάρισματα = Extraordinary powers given to certain individuals by God, enabling them to serve the Church by the grace of the Holy Spirit.