Lives of the Saints

Leavetaking of Pascha

Leavetaking of Pascha

On Wednesday of the sixth week of Pascha, we celebrate the Leavetaking of the Feast. While most Feasts have their Leavetaking on the eighth day, Pascha, the Feast of Feasts, has its Leavetaking on the thirty-ninth day. The fortieth day is the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, which marks the end…

Martyrs Isidore and Myrope of Chios

Martyrs Isidore and Myrope of Chios

Saint Isidore lived during the reign of Emperor Decius (249-251) and came from Alexandria in Egypt. He was an officer in the Roman Navy when the fleet commanded by Admiral Numerius chanced to be anchored off the Greek island of Chios. There Christianity was not persecuted, and perhaps Saint Isidore…

Venerable Isidore the Fool-For-Christ and Wonderworker of Rostov

Venerable Isidore the Fool-For-Christ and Wonderworker of Rostov

Saint Isidore Tverdislov (“Constant of Word”), Fool-for-Christ, Wonderworker of Rostov. He was born in Germany of rich parents. From his youth, he led “an unsullied life and had a compassionate understanding.” Leaving his parental home and “desiring the Kingdom of…

Saint Nikḗtas, Bishop of Novgorod, Recluse of the Kiev Far Caves

Saint Nikḗtas, Bishop of Novgorod, Recluse of the Kiev Far Caves

Saint Nikḗtas, Hermit of the Kiev Caves, Bishop of Novgorod (+1109): The memory of Saint Nikḗtas was celebrated on May 14 at Novgorod, where his relics are located. The saint is also commemorated on January 31, the day of his repose, and on April 30, the day of the Uncovering of his Relics…

Martyr Maximus

The Holy Martyr Maximus suffered under the emperor Decius (249-251). Maximus was a layman and a merchant. He was a devout Christian and he led many pagans to faith in Christ the Savior, and persuaded them to accept Baptism. Once, when the pagans had gathered to offer a human sacrifice to their…

Venerable Serapion of Egypt

Saint Serapion lived during the fifth century in Egypt. He was called the linen cloth-wearer (Sindonite) since he wore only a coarse linen garb called a “sindon.” From his youth the monk lived like the birds of the air, without a shelter. For several days at a time he did not eat, not…

Saint Leontius, Patriarch of Jerusalem

Saint Leontios was from Tiberioupolis in Phrygia and was born to wealthy and devout parents around the second half of the XII century. When he was 15-17 years old, his father reposed, so he left his birthplace and studied under a pious priest, then he went to Ptelidίon Monastery of the Mother of…

First opening of the relics of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

First opening of the relics of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

The incorrupt relics of Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk were first uncovered in May 1846, during the construction of the new cathedral at Zadonsk. They were found beneath the altar of the old church. Saint Tikhon is also commemorated on August 13.

“Sweet-Kissing” Icon of the Mother of God

“Sweet-Kissing” Icon of the Mother of God

No information available at this time.

“Yaroslavl-Caves” Icon of the Mother of God

“Yaroslavl-Caves” Icon of the Mother of God

Alexandra Dmitrievna Dobychkina, who was from a middle-class family in Yaroslavl, suffered terribly from spiritual and physical ailments for seventeen years. In 1823 she beheld a vision of a church in which was an Icon of the Mother of God. Offering her heartfelt prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos,…