Lives of the Saints

Postfeast of Pentecost — 3rd Day of the Trinity

Postfeast of Pentecost — 3rd Day of the Trinity

Many of the hymns of Pentecost are repeated in the postfestal services of this week, and references to the Holy Spirit, and to fire, abound. In particular, we are reminded of the Unburnt Bush (Exodus 3:2), the zealous Prophet Elias who ascended to Heaven in a chariot of fire, the three youths in…

Hieromartyr Therapon, Bishop of Sardis

The Hieromartyr Therapon, Bishop of Sardis suffered for Christ during the third century (the city of Sardis was in Lydia, Asia Minor). In fulfilling his priestly service, Saint Therapon enlightened many of the pagan Greeks with the light of the Christian Faith and baptized them. For this, he was…

Translation of the relics of Venerable Nilus of Stolobensk

Translation of the relics of Venerable Nilus of Stolobensk

Saint Nilus of Stolobensk reposed on December 7, 1554 (see his Life under December 7). Many years afterwards, hieromonk Germanus came to the island of Lake Seliger, where the holy ascetic had struggled, and immediately after him the hill-dweller and wanderer Boris. They settled together on the…

Saint John the Russian and Confessor, whose relics are on the island of Euboia

Saint John the Russian and Confessor, whose relics are on the island of Euboia

The Holy Confessor John the Russian was born in Little Russia around 1690, and was raised in piety and love for the Church of God. Upon attaining the age of maturity he was called to military service, and he served as a simple soldier in the army of Peter I and took part in the Russo-Turkish War.…

Venerable Therapon, Abbot of White Lake

Venerable Therapon, Abbot of White Lake

Saint Therapon of White Lake, Wonderworker of Luzhetsk, in the world Theodore, was born in the year 1337 at Volokolamsk into the noble Poskochin family. From his childhood, he was raised in faith and piety, which he displayed throughout his life as a holy ascetic. At the age of forty he was…

Translation of the relics of Saints Cyprian, Photius, and Jonah,  Metropolitans of Moscow and All Russia

Translation of the relics of Saints Cyprian, Photius, and Jonah, Metropolitans of Moscow and All Russia

The Uncovering and Transfer of Relics of Holy Hierarchs Cyprian, Photius and Jonah occured on May 27, 1472 during the construction of the new stone Dormition cathedral in the Kremlin, under Metropolitan Philip (January 9) and Great Prince Ivan III (1462-1505). The saints are also commemorated…

Venerable Therapon, Abbot of Monza

Venerable Therapon, Abbot of Monza

There is no information about the Saint's birth and early years of his life. He began his contests (podvigs) in Moscow (it is likely that he was a Holy Fool, emulating Blessed Basil of Moscow), then he went to the Monastery of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross at Kostroma, where, after his…

Virgin Martyr Theodora and Martyr Didymus the Soldier, of Alexandria

The Holy Martyrs Theodora the Virgin and Didymus the Soldier suffered for Christ during the persecution against Christians under the emperor Diocletian (284-305), in the city of Alexandria in either the year 303 or 304. The Virgin Martyr Theodora, standing trial before the prefect Eustratius of…

Venerable Bede, the Church Historian

Venerable Bede, the Church Historian

Saint Bede was a church historian who recorded the history of Christianity in England up to his own time. He was probably born around 673 in Northumbria. We do not know exactly where he was born, but it is likely that it was somewhere near Jarrow. When he was seven, Bede was sent to Saint Benedict…

Saint Basil of Georgia, son of King Bagrat III

Saint Basil of Georgia, son of King Bagrat III

Saint Basil, the son of King Bagrat III, lived in the 11th century and labored at Khakhuli Monastery (in southwestern Georgia, present-day Turkey). He was a major figure in the spiritual and educational life of southern Georgia. The famous 19th-century scholar Prince John Bagrationi describes…

Venerable Michael of Parekhi

Venerable Michael of Parekhi

Saint Michael of Parekhi was a native of the village of Norgiali in the Shavsheti region of southern Georgia. He was tonsured a monk in the Midznadzori Wilderness. Fr. Michael journeyed to Khandzta Monastery, and with the blessing of the brotherhood, he built a small chapel and dwelling for the…

Venerable Matthew of Zaransk

Venerable Matthew of Zaransk (in the world Mētrophánēs Kuzmich Svetov) was born in 1861, in the city of Vyatka. His father was a shoemaker and the Saint engaged in commerce when he was young. In 1891, Mētrophánēs was tonsured in the monastery of Saint Alexander and received the name Matthew.…