Lives of the Saints

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee <em>Beginning of the Lenten Triodion</em>

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee Beginning of the Lenten Triodion

The Sunday after the Sunday of Zacchaeus is devoted to the Publican and the Pharisee. At Vespers the night before, the Triodion (the liturgical book used in the services of Great Lent) begins. Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee who scrupulously observed the requirements of…

Venerable Euthymius the Great

Venerable Euthymius the Great

Saint Euthymius the Great came from the city of Melitene in Armenia, near the River Euphrates. His parents, Paul and Dionysia, were pious Christians of noble birth. After many years of marriage they remained childless, and in their sorrow they entreated God to give them offspring. Finally, they had…

Venerable Euthymius the Schemamonk

Venerable Euthymius the Schemamonk

The Schemamonk Euthymius of the Kiev Caves imposed upon himself a vow of silence, opening his mouth only for church services and for prayer. The silent schemamonk ate only herbs. He was buried in the Far Caves of Saint Theodosius at the Kiev Caves monastery. His memory is also celebrated on August…

Saint Laurence, Recluse of the Kiev Far Caves

Saint Laurence, Recluse of the Kiev Far Caves

Disdaining the vain glory of this world, Saint Laurence lived in a cave and conquered the passions through prayer and fasting. His incorrupt relics lie in the Far Caves of the Kiev Caves Lavra.

Venerable Euthymius of Syanzhemsk, Vologda

Saint Euthymius of Syanzhemsk and Vologda was born in Vologda, and received monastic tonsure at the Savior-Stone monastery at Lake Kuben. For some time he lived in a solitary cell on the River Kuben, and then gave up the place to Saint Alexander of Kushta (June 9) and moved to Syanzhem, where he…

Martyrs Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas, disciples of the Apostle Andrew, in Scythia

Martyrs Innas, Pinnas, and Rimmas, disciples of the Apostle Andrew, in Scythia

The Holy Martyrs Innas, Pinnas and Rimmas were Slavs from Scythia Minor, who were disciples of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. He baptized them, and later he ordained them as priests. They assisted him in converting many idol-worshippers who had settled around the Danube River, near Varna…

Martyrs Bassus, Eusebius, Euthychius, and Basileides, at Nicomedia

Martyrs Bassus, Eusebius, Euthychius, and Basileides, at Nicomedia

The holy Martyrs Bassus, Eusebios, Eutychios and Basileides lived during the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305), and suffered martyrdom in 303. They were wealthy and members of the Senate. They came to believe in Christ and were baptized after witnessing the martyrdom of Bishop Theopemptos of…

Saint Euthymios, Patriarch of Trnovo

Saint Euthymios, Patriarch of Trnovo

Saint Euthymios lived between the XIV and XV centuries in Bulgaria. He was born around 1325-1330 in the then Bulgarian capital Trnovo (Търново) to a noble family, perhaps the Kablak. He was fortunate to have someone who would be his biographer, one of his family, Gregory Kablak, who later…

New Martyr Zachariah

The Holy New Martyr Zachariah was from the Peloponnesos in Greece. He renounced Christ to become a Moslem, then went to ancient Patras and worked there as a furrier. He had a book, The Salvation of Sinners, which he often read. The book moved him to repentance, and he wept bitterly for the great…

Saint Euthymius the Confessor

Saint Euthymius the Confessor

Abbot Euthymius Kereselidze was born in 1865 in the village of Sadmeli (Racha region) to the pious Solomon and Marta Kereselidze. At birth he was given the name Evstate. After completing his studies at the local parish school, fifteen-year-old Evstate traveled first to Kutaisi, then Tbilisi, in…