The Finding of the Holy Relics of Saint Nicholas the Deacon of Lesbos

Today we commemorate the finding of the relics of Saint Nicholas the Deacon at Karyes Monastery on Lesbos on June 13, 1960.
In April of 1960 he appeared to three women in the town of Thermi, telling them where his relics were to be found. They hesitated to ask the Metropolitan of Mytilene for permission to dig, lest the tomb should not be found and they become objects of derision. Finally, they went and told the Metropolitan about seeing Saint Nicholas in their dreams, and the Hierarch blessed them to dig.
Doukas Tsolakis was asked to dig where the women told him. He dug a little, and then stopped because the ground was hard. That night Doukas saw Saint Nicholas in a dream, sitting at the very place where he had been digging. The Saint said, "I am Nicholas. Why do you doubt that my grave is here?" Then he told Doukas that he would be punished if he did not dig at the spot indicated by the women.
On June 13, 1960, Mr. Tsolakis was helped by another workman, and after some difficulties, the Martyr's relics were found. That day was one of great rejoicing for the pious people, for many miracles took place. On that same day, a round Patriarchal Privelege Seal was found. It was made of lead and silver, and was from the XIV century. One side depicted the Mother of God, and the Archangel Michael on the other.
Other persons also saw Deacon Nicholas in their dreams, and he told them that he was a native of Thessaloniki, from an aristocratic family, and he was ordained as a Deacon. In 1454, Saint Nicholas accompanied Saint Raphael to Lesbos after the Turks invaded Thrace.
In 1463, the Turks invaded the Karyes Monastery and captured the monks, subjecting them to various torments. Then the Turks dragged Archimandrite Raphael by his hair and beard, and tied him to a tree. They beat him and struck him with their heated weapons. Finally, they sawed through his mouth, separating the jaw and his head. This took place on Bright Tuesday (April 9, 1463). Saint Nicholas died of heart failure after witnessing Saint Raphael's martyrdom.
Saint Nicholas is short and thin, with a small blond beard. Sometimes he appears in his vestments, holding a censer. He always stands before Saint Raphael with great respect.