Glorification of Saint John of Kronstadt
Saint John of Kronstadt was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990. He is also commemorated on December 20.
Saint John of Kronstadt was glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990. He is also commemorated on December 20.
The Holy Prophet Elisha lived in the ninth century before the Birth of Christ, and was a native of the village of Abelmaum, near Jordan. By the command of the Lord he was called to prophetic service by the holy Prophet Elias (July 20). When it became time for the Prophet Elias to be taken up to…
Saint Methodius, Patriarch of Constantinople, was born in Sicily into a rich family. Having a vocation to serve God, he went while still in his youth off to a monastery on the island of Chios and renovated it with his means. During the reign of the iconoclast Leo the Armenian (813-820), Methodius…
No information available at this time.
According to an old manuscript calendar, “The Monk Methodios, the Igumen (and founder) of Peshnosha Monastery, the disciple of Saint Sergius the wonderworker, reposed in the summer of 6900 (1392), on the fourteenth day of June.” Saint Methodios was regarded as a saint at Peshnosha…
Saint Elisha of Suma was a monk at the Solovki monastery, and was occupied with the weaving of fishing nets. Before his death he became a schemamonk. In 1688 miracles began from the saint’s grave in a crypt in the Nikolsk church of the city of Suma, Archangelsk diocese.
Saint Niphon of Athos lived in the fourteenth century, and was the son of a priest. From childhood he was raised under the principles of strict Christian morality. Upon taking monastic tonsure he soon was ordained to the holy priesthood. But the thirst for perfect stillness and solitary labors led…
No information available at this time.
The Holy Trinity St. Seraphim-Diveyevo Convent was founded in 1760 when the Mother of God appeared in a dream to a woman named Agatha in the village of Diveyevo and promised that she would build a great women's monastery there. Agatha also built a church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy…