“Bogolyubov” Icon of the Mother of God

The Bogolyubov Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most ancient wonderworking icons of Russia, was painted in the twelfth century at the request of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky (July 4), to commemorate the appearance of the Mother of God to him. Painted on cypress wood, the Icon is remarkable because of its large size.
In the year 1131, an Icon was sent from Constantinople to the Holy Prince Mstislav (Theodore in Baptism, commemorated April 15) in Russia, and was placed in the Devichii monastery in Vyshgorod, the ancient appanage (land given by kings and princes to their younger children for their support) city of Saint Olga (July 11).
One night in the summer of 1155, Prince Andrew secretly removed the wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God from the Vyshgorod church without the blessing of his father, Prince George Dolgoruky, and started northward toward Suzdal'. Some sources say that his father bequeathed the Icon to Prince Andrew. Later, this Icon would be known as the Vladimir Icon (August 26, June 23, May 21). Tradition says it was one of the Icons painted by the Holy Evangelist Luke (October 18), or a copy made from the original.
Seven versts from Vladimir, the cart carrying the wonderworking Icon stopped and could not be moved from that spot. Prince Andrew asked the priest Nicholas, who accompanied him, to serve a Moleben before the Icon. For a long time Andrew prayed before the holy image with tears. Later, he went into his tent and continued his fervent prayers. The Most Holy Theotokos appeared to him holding a small scroll in her right hand, and said: "I do not wish you to take my Icon to Rostov, but to the city of Vladimir. Here, in this place (the site of her miraculous appearance), you shall build a stone church and a monastery in honor of my Nativity."
Then the All-Holy Virgin lifted one hand toward Heaven, and received a blessing from Christ the Savior, and the vision ended.
In obedience to the will of the Mother of God, Prince Andrew built a stone church dedicated to her Nativity, as well as a monastery. After this, the Prince commissioned skilled iconographers to depict the All-Holy Virgin just as he had seen her in his vision: in full stature, with a scroll1 in her right hand, and her face turned toward the Savior in the upper right hand corner. When the church was completed, the Icon he had commissioned was placed inside, and June 18 was designated as the annual commemoration of the appearance of the Mother of God. The Icon depicting the appearance of the Most Holy Theotokos remained at Bogolyubov and was called the Bogolyubov Icon.
Saint Andrew named both the monastery and the city which sprang up around it Bogolyubov because as he himself said, "the Mother of God loves this place." The Prince also became known as Bogolyubsky ("the lover of God"). The Vladimir Icon remained in the convent until work was completed on the Dormition Cathedral at Vladimir, then it was solemly transferred to the cathedral.
The Bogolyubov Icon of the Mother of God has been glorified by countless miracles, and over the course of many centuries she has consoled the pious Christians of Russia, and has healed their infirmities. The fame of the miracles which took place before her Icon have inspired the faithful in many places to make copies of this holy Icon, some of which are also wonderworking.
The Moscow Bogolyubov Icon (1157) shows several saints gathered before the Theotokos: the Metropolitans of Moscow Peter, Alexis, Jonah, and Philip; The blessed Basil and Maxim, fools for Christ; Venerable Paraskeve; Saint Basil the Great; Saint Alexis the Man of God; Symeon, the kinsman of the Lord; the Apostle Peter; the monastic martyr Eudokia; and the Martyr Paraskeve. In some variants of the Icon the following Saints are also included: Saint Onouphrios, Venerable Mary of Egypt, Zosimas and Sabbatius, and the Great Martyrs Barbara and Katherine.
In 1771 an annual feast day was established in in honor of the Bogolyubov Icon to commemorate the deliverance of the city of Vladimir and the surrounding area from plague. As soon as the Icon was brought to Vladimir, the plague disappeared. It became customary to bring the Icon from Bogolyubovo to Vladimir on May 21. As many people as possible took turns in carrying the Icon at different times to and from Vladimir Province. The Icon stayed at Bogolyubovo Monastery, 10 versts from the city. In 1820, the inhabitants of the city of Vladimir adorned the Icon with an expensive riza.
Before the Bolshevik Revolution, the Icon was customarily brought to the city of Vladimir on May 21, where it remained until July 16, when it was returned to the monastery.
1 The scroll on the Icon reads: O Most Gracious Master, Lord Jesus Christ, my Son and my God, hear the prayer of Your Mother, for she is praying for the world.