Afterfeast of the Meeting of our Lord in the Temple
The fifth day of the Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord falls on February 7.
The fifth day of the Afterfeast of the Meeting of the Lord falls on February 7.
Saint Parthenios, the Bishop of Lampsakos, was from the city of Melitopolis (Asia Minor), where his father Christopher served as a deacon. The young man could not read, but he learned the Holy Scriptures well, by attending the Divine Services in church. He had a kind heart and, when he went…
Saint Luke of Hellas was a native of the Greek village of Kastorion. The son of poor farmers, the saint from childhood had toiled much, working in the fields and shepherding the sheep. He was very obedient to his parents and very temperate in eating. He often gave his own food and clothing to the…
1003 Martyrs at Nicomedia, were servants of the four dignitaries Bassos, Eusebius, Eutychius and Basilides, who suffered for Christ with their wives (January 5) in the year 303 during the reign of the emperor Diocletian (284-305). After the martyric death of their masters, the servants decided to…
Saint Aule suffered martyrdom in London during Diocletian’s persecution of Christians.