Translation of the Relics of Martyrs Michael and his councilor, Theodore, of Chernígov

The Right-believing Prince Michael of Chernigov and his Boyar Theodore were put to death by Batu of the Golden Horde on September 20, 1244. At first, some devout Russian Christians secretly took their relics. Later, the relics of the holy wonderworkers were transferred to the city of Vladimir, then to Chernigov, after Chernigov was ceded to the Poles in the year 1572. On February 14, 1578 Tsar Ivan the Terrible transferred their relics to a church which was dedicated to them in Moscow, with the blessing of Metropolitan Anthony.
In 1770 the relics of Saints Michael and Theodore were transferred to the Meeting of the Lord (Сретенский) cathedral, Since November 21,1774, they have been kept in a hidden place in Moscow's Holy Archangels Cathedral in the Kremlin.
The Holy Martyrs and Confessors Michael and Theodore are commemorated on September 20 (the day of their martyric death); on February 14 (the Translation of their Holy Relics in 1578; and on the Sunday before August 26 (Synaxis of the Moscow Saints).