Bright Saturday

The Artos, which was blessed after the Liturgy of Pascha, is cut and distributed after Liturgy on Bright Saturday.
The cutting and distribution of the Artos takes place after the Liturgy on Bright Saturday. In monasteries the cutting and distribution of the Artos is done in the trapeza.
The cutting of the Artos is done in this way: After the Divine Liturgy, the Artos is brought into the trapeza, as is customary, and "Christ is risen" is sung three times, with bows. After the "Our Father" has been said, and after the food has been blessed as usual, the Deacon says: "Let us pray to the Lord," and the brethren reply: "Lord, have mercy."
Then the Priest says the following prayer over the Artos:
O Lord Jesus Christ our God, the Angelic Bread, the Bread of eternal life Who came down from Heaven and nourished us on these most radiant days with the spiritual food of Your divine benefits for the sake of Your saving Resurrection on the third day, so now we humbly entreat You: "Look down upon our prayers and thanksgivings, and as You blessed the five loaves in the wilderness, so now bless this bread, that all who partake of it may be granted bodily and spiritual blessings and health, through the grace and compassion of Your love for mankind. For You are our sanctification, and to You we send up glory, together with Your Unoriginate Father, Your All-holy, Good and Life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.
The People: Amen.
After cutting the Artos, as is customary, the Priest distributes it to everyone before the meal. He may also cut the Artos at the Liturgy after the Prayer before the Ambo, and distribute it to the faithful instead of the Antidoron. They should consume it right away. They may, however, bring some home for those who were not able to be in church.