Assuage My Sorrows Icon of the Mother of God

There is an ancient and deeply revered Assuage my Sorrows Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg, in the church of the Lord's Ascension, on Voznesensky Prospect, near the Ekaterinensky Canal. This Holy Icon was brought from Moscow on September 25,1765 by the merchant Rogovikov (a participant in the construction of the Ascension church), and on the day of the consecration of a side chapel dedicated to this Icon, it was placed in a specially made silver case.
This wonderworking Assuage my Sorrows Icon turned out to be a special honor. Residents of St. Petersburg often took the Icon into their homes. Many of the faithful still turn to the Icon of the Queen of Heaven, and many who are sick receive healing and comfort from it, according to their faith. Also, after the late Liturgy on Fridays, Molebens are served before it along with its Akathist.
In addition to the Feast Days on January 25, and October 9, this Icon is also commemorated on September 25 in remembrance of its transfer from Moscow.