Icon of the Mother of God of Yaroslavl

The Yaroslavl Icon of the Mother of God became the first wonderworking Icon revealed by the Most Pure Theotokos during the Tatar-Mongol yoke. It was brought to Russia (probably from Kiev) almost immediately after Batu's invasions. In this way, the Icon of the Mother of God visited the Russian land and consoled the Orthodox people in their sorrow. It is significant that this is an icon of the "Tenderness" type, filled with her maternal care and concern.1
The Yaroslavl Icon was brought to that city by the holy right-believing Princes Basil and Constantine (July 3), and the lower church in the temple of the Prophet Elias was consecrated in honor of the wonderworking Yaroslavl Icon of the Mother of God.
In addition to this Icon, there are two more Yaroslavl Icons: the Yaroslavl-Kazan (June 8) and the Yaroslavl-Caves (see May 14).
1 Similarly, during the First World War, the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God (March 2) appeared on the very day that Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in 1917.