Saint Bassianus, Bishop of Lodi in Liguria

Saint Bassianus, Bishop of Lodi,1 was a friend of Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (December 7, 397). Bassianus's father ruled the territory of Syracuse (Sicily) and was preparing his son to succeed him. He sent him to Rome to receive an education. Saint Bassianus had heard about Christians even in his childhood, and he wanted to know them and to become acquainted with the Christian Faith. The presbyter Gordian revealed to him the essence of Christ's teaching, and the young man wished to be baptized. During his Baptism Saint Bassianus saw an Angel at the font holding a garment, which he was to put on. The Saint made bold to ask who he was and where he came from. The Angel replied that he had been sent long ago to help him fulfill his holy intention to know Christ, and then he became invisible.
Saint Bassianus started leading a strict life, eating little food, and spending his nights in prayer. His servants were amazed at such abstinence and guessed that their master had become a Christian. They reported this to Saint Bassianus's father, who ordered him to be returned to Syracuse. Praying in the church of Saint John the Theologian, Bassianus had a vision in which the Apostle commanded him to depart from Rome. He distributed his property to the poor and, together with a faithful Christian slave, he went to Ravenna, to his relative, the Hierarch Ursus.
Bishop Ursus settled him in a secluded place outside the city, in the church dedicated to the Hieromartyr Apollinarius. Saint Bassianus apidly grew spiritually, and soon became renowned for working miracles. At this time, the judge of Ravenna was slandered and sentenced to death. On the way to his execution, he prayed to Saint Bassianus for help.
Bishop Ursus settled him in a secluded place outside the city, in the church dedicated to the Hieromartyr Apollinarius. Saint Bassianus apidly grew spiritually, and soon became renowned for working miracles. At this time, the judge of Ravenna was slandered and sentenced to death. On the way to his execution, he prayed to Saint Bassianus for help. When the executioner raised the sword above his head, the sword was suddenly knocked from his hands and flew to the side. This was repeated three times. The same thing happened to the other executioner. The Emperor was informed about what had occurred, and he he released the judge, who said that he had been saved by the intercession of Saint Bassianus.
The inhabitants of the city, believing that the prayers of Saint Bassianus were powerful before God, asked Bishop Ursus to ordain him to the dignity of presbyter. After the repose of the bishop of the city of Lodi the presbyter Clement of the cathedral church had a revelation – to choose Saint Bassianus as Bishop of Lodi The consecration was performed by Saint Ambrose of Milan, and Bishop Ursus of Ravenna.
Saint Bassianus taught people not only by his words, but also by his example, showing his flock the model of a virtuous life. In Lodi he built a beautiful church in honor of the Holy Apostles. Saint Bassianus often exchanged letters with Saint Ambrose of Milan, and he was present at the blessed repose of that Saint, and buried his body.
Saint Bassianus reposed peacefully in the year 409, after serving in the rank of Bishop for 35 years.
In the West, Saint Bassianus is commemorated on January 19.
1 Lavdia; in Liguria, northern Italy.