Venerable Therapon, Abbot of Monza

There is no information about the Saint's birth and early years of his life. He began his contests (podvigs) in Moscow (it is likely that he was a Holy Fool, emulating Blessed Basil of Moscow), then he went to the Monastery of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross at Kostroma, where, after his monastic tonsure, he lived for thirteen years. Even during his lifetime, the Saint was renowned for his miracles.
One day the Venerable Therapon (Therápon) appeared in a dream to two monks of the Saint Paul of Obnora Monastery, Paphnoutios and Addrian. and ordered them to found a Monastery on the banks of the Monza River (near Soligalich). Avoiding the glory of man, Father Therapon retired from the Holy Cross Monastery and lived for some time as a hermit. When the Monastery on the Monza River was built by Elder Adrian (May 5), the monk glorified him by two miracles: appearing in a dream to a fisherman from Soligalich and to the blacksmith from Bui, whose sons were sick, he predicted that their children would be healed in the newly built Monastery of the Annunciation on the Monza River. And, indeed, brought to the monastery, both young men were healed.
After some time Father Therapon himself came to the Annunciation Monastery and asked the Igoumen, Elder Adrian, to become his Spiritual Father. During Confession, Adrian was shocked by Therapon's spiritual purity and by the power of his faith. The two years of Therápon's sojourn in the Monastery of Monza were a time of great humility, meekness and ascetic feats. Annunciation Monastery was always dear to Father Therapon: he was wondrous, he contributed to his arrangement and transfer to a new place, protected him from ill-wishers, miraculously sought him out means for its maintenance.
Foreseeing the day of his death, the Saint bade farewell to the brethren and reposed peacefully on December 12, 1597. He asked that he, who had already died, be given the Holy Water from Theophany. Granting the Saint's request, he was given the Holy Water, and he swallowed it. The Monastery Chronicle describes numerous healings which took place at the Saint's tomb. Once the Saint saved some ships from destruction while they were passing through the rapids on the Kostroma River, directly opposite Annunciation Monastery, and some saw a handsome old man sitting on the stern every plow and ruler in a dangerous place. Saint Therapon also appeared in a dream to the Igoumen of the Monastery, and predicted the famine of 1601 and ordered that more bread to be stored.
Twenty years after the Saint's repose, his incorrupt relics were discovered, and even his vestments were intact.
Saint Therapon is commemorated on May 27 (His Name Day), February 5 (Synaxis of the Kostroma Saints), and December 12 (Repose).